Agricultural production in the South Region

The Southern Region has a series of factors that contribute to a high agricultural productivity, among them the soils are fertile and the rains are regular throughout the year.

In addition to the natural contributions to achieving good production, other elements are essential for the development of precision farming.

In recent times, a large portion of rural properties in the South Region have entered a new stage production, which is directly linked to the use of technologies in animal husbandry and cultivation of different cultures.

In livestock breeding, technical guidance is used, a genetic selection of animals is carried out, taking advantage of their economic viability, insemination artificial, use of medicines, special rations for weight gain, mechanical milking to streamline work and improve quality, among others.

In agriculture, new planting and management techniques are used, such as soil correction, crop rotation, direct planting, soil management, in addition to use of technologies such as tractors, planters, harvesters, implements in general and agricultural inputs (insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers) and etc.

The process of mechanization and modernization of the field contributed to the professionalization of rural activities increasingly concerned with productivity indices, which automatically lead to to profit. The Southern Region, through these developments, occupies a prominent place in agricultural production, thus supplying the domestic and foreign market with different types of rural products.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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