13 diseases related to chromosomes

13 diseases related to chromosomes

You chromosomes are the structures that have genes. Genes are the individual instructions that te...

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Exercises on Plant Hormones

You plant hormonesare substances that function as chemical messengers of plants and regulate thei...

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What does SD mean?

In the virtual world, everything possible to make it more dynamic and agile is done. And it is no...

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Cut costs and save: 8 appliances you MUST turn off at night

We all seek to save, even if it's a few reais on the energy bill at the end of the month. To achi...

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Top 10 football salaries in 2020

O highest paid athlete in the world is the football player Lionel Messi, athlete of the Barcelona...

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The Araguaia Guerrilla

The Araguaia Guerrilla

The Araguaia GuerrillaWhat was the Araguaia guerrilla? The Guerrilha do Araguaia went down in his...

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Habits of Brazilians that call the attention of foreigners

A Brazilian culture it is primarily an amalgamation of the cultures of the native peoples with th...

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Detox juice to help strengthen your body

Detox juice is an excellent option for those who want to lose weight and also take care of their ...

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What does the abbreviation MBA mean?

The abbreviation MBA is a term in English means Master in Business Administration. Thus, in Portu...

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17 curious traditions around the world

The world is made up of six continents and over 200 countries. Obviously, each one has its own cu...

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Meet the collar that monitors the health of dogs

The French company Invoxia has launched a collar that monitors the health of dogs. The accessory ...

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How did the first calendars come about?

One calendar Accuracy was fundamental to the ancient civilizations. Being able to predict when th...

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