What does the abbreviation MBA mean?

The abbreviation MBA is a term in English means Master in Business Administration. Thus, in Portuguese, it means “Master in Business Administration”. Therefore, it is a training course for executives in the area of ​​administration.

Therefore, in the course, executives go through disciplines such as accounting, marketing, human resources, finance, among many others.

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In some countries, the course is considered a master's degree. However, in Brazil there is no master's degree, but as a specialization.

Professionals interested in making a MBA need to have experience in the market for at least three years. In addition, fluency in English is required. This is because to be recognized as masters in Brazil, they need to take the course in renowned institutions abroad.

To apply for the MBA, you must present an academic and professional curriculum, and pass a selection interview. During the course, professionals will learn how to manage a company.

The cost of the course is quite expensive, and depends on the duration, institution, disciplines and, above all, the quality of the chosen course.

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