Trigonometry in the right triangle

question 1

(Cefet - PR)

Tenório Quadros Street and Teófilo Silva Avenue, both straight, intersect at an angle of 30º. The Estrela do Sul gas station is located on Avenida Teófilo Silva, 4000 m from the aforementioned intersection. Knowing that the route from Estrela do Sul gas station to Tenório Quadros street forms a 90° angle at the meeting point of the gas station with Rua Teófilo Silva, determine, in kilometers, the distance between the Estrela do Sul gas station and Rua Tenório Frames?

question 2

(Unisinos - RS)

A plane takes off at a constant 20° angle. After traveling 2,000 meters in a straight line, how high will the plane be, approximately? (Use: without 20º = 0.342; cos 20º = 0.94 and tg 20º = 0.364)

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