Definition of Phytoplankton (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Definition of Phytoplankton (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Phytoplankton is a microscopic algae set that have structures similar to plants. That's exactly w...

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Meaning of Cosmology (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Cosmology is the branch of astronomy that focuses on study the origin, evolution, composition and...

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Meaning of Briefing (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Briefing it is a information set, a collection of data for the development of a work. English wor...

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Meaning of Good (What it is, Concept and Definition)

good is an English language word and means "well" in Portuguese. This term has different meanings...

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What is Climate Change? Know the causes and consequences!

What is Climate Change? Know the causes and consequences!

climate change is changes caused in the environment due to global warming, which is the rise in t...

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Astrolabe: what it is, what it is for and how it works

Astrolabe: what it is, what it is for and how it works

Developed by the Greek mathematician Hipparchus in Ancient Greece, the astrolabe is an instrument...

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Know the main consequences of the greenhouse effect

Know the main consequences of the greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon and fundamental for the maintenance of adequate tem...

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Black Hole: what it is, how it is formed and theories

Black Hole: what it is, how it is formed and theories

A black hole is a spatial phenomenon of extremely high proportions (usually larger than the sun) ...

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Spring Equinox: what is it, updated date

spring equinox is the astronomical phenomenon that marks the official start of this season. In Br...

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RNA (Ribonucleic Acid): concept, structure and types

RNA (Ribonucleic Acid): concept, structure and types

RNA (or RNA) is short for ribonucleic acid, a macromolecule essential for many biological functio...

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General Properties of Matter

General Properties of Matter

The general properties of matter are those common to any subject, that is, regardless of its phys...

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Meaning of Science (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Science represents all knowledge acquired through study, research or practice, based on certain p...

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