Understand what it is and how to check if there are debts registered in your CPF

Consult the existence of debts in the CPF or CNPJ is something very important. In this sense, there is a platform little known by Brazilians, but which can help a lot when it comes to this type of query: it is the Central Bank Registration. Keep reading to better understand how to use this feature.

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Registrato – What is this Central Bank platform and how does it work?

O Registration is a system created by the BC, whose function is to generate reports with information on credit operations based on consultations that can be carried out completely free of charge. These reports are especially important to verify the citizen's relationship with financial institutions.

What is needed to access the Registrato?

To access and use the platform's services, you must have a Gov.br profile or an account with Bradesco, Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal, Itaú, Sicoob, Santander or Sicredi to then activate it and later carry out the Query.

How to activate the Registry?

To activate the Registrato, you must use internet banking or the application of the respective banking institution. If you opt for internet banking, a security phrase will be sent to register with your bank. In applications, it is necessary to look for the option in the services menu.

What can you see in the Registry?

With Registrato, it is possible to consult information related to loans and financing, list of banks and financial institutions where you have any bond, list of returned checks, debts to public bodies, pix keys registered in your name, as well as data on exchange operations and transfers international.

In addition, Registrato also allows the issuance of a certificate of non-existence of active bank accounts, if you do not have one at the moment.

How to use Registrato to consult outstanding debts?

It's very easy, just access the registrar's website, login, select the Accounts and Relationships section and then click on Consult. Then accept the terms, and soon after the open or closed accounts will appear in your CPF or CNPJ.

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