Alca x Alba. Two Ways to the Americas: Alca x Alba

There are currently numerous and heated debates regarding the economic integration of the America...

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Smallest countries on the planet

Currently (2010), there are 194 autonomous countries. These nation-states occupy continental area...

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I complemented frasali. Phrasal complements

I complemented frasali. Phrasal complements

Meaning: / Meaning: * “Element of a proposition that serves to complete the soggetto the il predi...

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Cartas entre Marias: a book that addresses African wealth

With a territorial extension of approximately 30.2 million square kilometers and a population of ...

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Newton's Binomial Properties

Newton's Binomial Properties

We can list the binomial coefficients in a table called a Pascal triangle or Tartaglia. Rememberi...

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Trigonometric Shape of a Complex Number

Trigonometric Shape of a Complex Number

We know that a complex number has a geometric form equal to z = a + bi, where a is called the rea...

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Will the world lack food?

In 1797, Thomas Malthus wrote about food price policy as well as the economics and politics of th...

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Cold fairs. Boias-frias: know the origin of this expression

Cold fairs. Boias-frias: know the origin of this expression

The term boia-fria can have several meanings that vary according to the approach. People who rece...

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Accumulated Interest Rate

Accumulated Interest Rate

Some everyday situations related to Financial Mathematics involve the variation of commodity pric...

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Heritage and sustainable development

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTAll decisions in the social cell must be taken with a view to achieving h...

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The distribution of the population of Oceania. population of oceania

Oceania is the smallest terrestrial continent, with a territorial extension of 8,526,462 square k...

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Fraction nomenclature. Learning About Fraction Naming

Fraction nomenclature. Learning About Fraction Naming

Fractions have two types of representation, one geometric (drawing) and the other in the form of ...

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