I complemented frasali. Phrasal complements

Meaning: / Meaning: * “Element of a proposition that serves to complete the soggetto the il predicate: oggetto complement, di finish, di causa, di Modo.”. / ‘Element of a clause that serves to complete the subject or predicate: direct complement, indirect, of cause, of mode’.

*Definition taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

It is important, otre capire il significato dato da di diionario vedere cosa dino i grammatici Dardano and Trifone alla “Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di ” sui complementi linguistic phrasali: “i vari componenti of the phrase che hanno la funzione di completere how much espresso is dai due componenti fondamentali, soggetto and predicate.”. / It is important, in addition to understanding the meaning given by the dictionary, to see what the grammarians Dardano and Trifone say, in “Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica”, on phrasal complements: ‘the various components of the sentence that are intended to complement what is expressed by two fundamental components, subject and predicate.’.

I complement frasali si dividono in due gruppi: complement diretto (oggetto) and complement indiretto. Vedi sotto come identifyli. / Phrasal complements are divided into two groups: direct complement (object) and indirect complement. See below how to identify them.

Direct complement (oggetto) / Direct complement (object)

Secondo Pietro Genesini alla “Italian Grammatica in rapidi schemi”, complement oggetto means: “Il complement oggettoè la persona or la cosa su cui si conclude l'azione espressa dal verb.”./ According to Pietro Genesini in the “Italian Grammatica in rapidi schemi”: 'The object complement is the person or thing that completes the action expressed by the verb'.

Now osserva cosa dicono gli authori Dardano and Trifone sullo this argoment: “it is that it depends on a transitive active verb and that it is a senza preposizione costruito.” (...) “It is a reason or a qualsiasi other part of the discourse that determines the espressa of the verb, unendosi ad esso directly, cioè senza alcuna preposition.”./ Now observe what the authors Dardanus and Triphone say about the same subject: ‘it is what depends on an active transitive verb and which was constructed without a preposition (...) It is a noun or any part of the speech that determines the object of the action expressed by the verb joining it directly, that is, without any preposition'.

Vedi gli esempi: / See the examples:

1) Abbiamo mangiato le mele. / We ate the apples.

2) Leggo il giornale and la rivista. / I read the newspaper and the magazine.

3) Giulia loves Paolo. / Giulia loves Paolo.

Analisi delle frasi: / Analysis of sentences:

- Abbiamo mangiato [le honey].

[le mele] = oggetto complement

- Leggo [il giornale and la rivista].

[il giornale e la rivista] = oggetto complement

- Giulia loves[Paolo].

[Paolo] = oggetto complement

Puntata! / Tip!

Il complement oggetto (diretto), alla lingua portoghese può essere identito as 'direct object'. / The complement object (direct), in Portuguese, can be identified as a direct object.

Indirect Complement / Indirect Complement

If the complement is indirect when insieme the verb is a complement to a preposition that is articulated or semplice. I complemented indiretti podeno essere molti alla italian language, vedi sotto l’elenco. / It is said that the complement is indirect when a prepositional complement is added to the verb, either with an articulated or simple preposition. The indirect complements can be many in the Italian language, see below for the cast.

Complement of the denomination
The complete complement
The agent's complement
Complement of efficient cause
Complement of the cause
The complement to the scope
The complement of the instrument
The way complement
Il complement di compagnia or di unione
I complemented the session:
status in luogo
Motorbike to lugo
motorcycle from luogo
motorbike per lugo
Motorbike enter luogo circoscritto
Stato in luogo figurato
Complement of allontanamento or di separazione
Complement of origin or provenance
I complemented the time:
determined time
continuous time
Complement of limitation
il complement of paragon
Il complement di età
Complement of the argument
Complement of qualità
Complement of material
I complemented the amount:
weight and mixture
stretch out
esteem, value, prezzo
Complement of abbondanza and privazione
Complement of colpa or accusa
The complement of the penalty for the condanna
Il complement di vantaggio and di svantaggio
partitive complement
The complement to the scambio
Il concessive complement
Complement of rapport or reciprocità
The complement of aggiunzione
Il complement to esclusione
The right complement
Il complement di distribuzione o distributivo
Vocazione complement
Il complement di esclamazione

Quelli che vedrai di più in un’analisi logica sleep: complement di specificazione, di finish, di luogo, di tempo, di mezzo, di mode, di cause, di compagnia, di agent./ Those that you will see more in a logical analysis are: of specification, of place, of time, of medium, of mode, of cause, of company, of agent.

Puntata! / Tip!

All the Portuguese language there is a cast of complements as vast as all the Italian language. Al portoghese brasiliano si dice che i complementi che si collegano al verb attraverso una preposition si chiamano ‘indirect object’. / In the Portuguese language there is not a list of complements as vast as in the Italian language. In Brazilian Portuguese it is said that the complements that are linked to the verb through a preposition are called an indirect object.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/i-complementi-frasali.htm

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