Claude Monet: biography and works

Claude Monet: biography and works

Claude Monet was a French Impressionist painter, considered one of the most important artists of ...

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Meaning of Shalom (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Shalom is a word of Hebrew origin and literally means "peace", in the Portuguese translation.This...

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What is Green Economy?

green economy is a an economy that finds ways to reduce its emissions of pollutants into the atmo...

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Meaning of Worship (What it is, Concept and Definition)

worship is show great admiration for something or someone, that is, it is showing deep respect, i...

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Air Humidity: concept, factors, types and importance

Air humidity, also called atmospheric humidity, represents the amount of water vapor present in t...

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Meaning of Apostasy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

apostasy means the act of denying something, usually related to the renunciation of a religion or...

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Life of Olga Benário Prestes (German Revolutionary)

Life of Olga Benário Prestes (German Revolutionary)

Olga Benário Prestes (1908-1942) was a German revolutionary of great importance in the 20th centu...

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Renoir: life, works and curiosities

Renoir: life, works and curiosities

Renoir he was a very important French artist of the late 19th century. He had great prominence in...

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Life and Work of Caio Fernando Abreu

Life and Work of Caio Fernando Abreu

Caio Fernando Abreu was a Brazilian writer and journalist, considered one of the greatest short s...

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Voltaire: biography, works and phrases

Voltaire he was an outstanding philosopher, historian and thinker of the French Enlightenment, in...

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Virginia Woolf: biography and main works

Virginia Woolf: biography and main works

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was a modern English writer. She played a preponderant role in the Eng...

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Andy Warhol: works, pop art and biography

Andy Warhol: works, pop art and biography

Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987) was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, one of the...

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