Amazon starts delivering drone deliveries; see how it works

In June 2022, Amazon announced that it would start a new project, called Amazon Prime Air, which seeks to deliver purchases made on the platform through drones. So, without any notice or movement, the company started these deliveries six months after the first announcement.

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Cities receiving drone deliveries are college stationin Texas and Lockeford, in California. Despite having received authorization to begin deliveries in August, the tests are only being carried out now, with Amazon coming working closely with US Federal Aviation Administration officials, as drones fall under the oversight category of the organ.

The municipality of Lockeford is very small, with approximately 4,000 inhabitants according to DataUSA, which facilitates the first deliveries made by the new service. The other city where the service is available has more than 120,000 inhabitants, according to the US census.

In addition to government authorization for deliveries, the company needed to talk to officials in both cities for the service to be properly implemented. Amazon spokeswoman Natalia Banke explained a bit about the company's goals, saying the goal is for customers to drones to be safely placed in the skies, starting in these two cities and gradually expanding the method of deliveries.

What will drone delivery be like on Amazon Prime Air?

The company will provide notice as the service becomes available in other counties and areas of the United States. Delivery is carried out as follows:

  • The customer purchases a product on the Amazon website;
  • A drone is dispatched to take the package containing the order to the customer, dropping low enough to drop the product in the backyard without causing any damage;
  • The drone returns to the company's delivery center.

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