Vegetable epidermis. Characteristics of the plant epidermis

Vegetable epidermis. Characteristics of the plant epidermis

Plants, like animals, have a tissue called epidermis that involves your body. The plant epidermis...

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Earth System. The functioning of the earth system

Earth System. The functioning of the earth system

O earth system it is the set of elements that guarantee the functioning of the components of plan...

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What is Ketone Breath?

In cases of diabetes mellitus or prolonged fasting, our body looks for other ways to compensate f...

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Origin of Names and Symbols of Elements. Element Names

Origin of Names and Symbols of Elements. Element Names

Since Antiquity, in the time of the alchemists, the elements that were discovered started to rec...

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Brucellosis, soft canker, tooth decay and cystitis

Brucellosis (malta fever): this disease, whose responsible agents are bacteria of the genus Bruce...

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Ear wax. What is the function of ear wax?

Ear wax, also called earwax or cerumen, is produced by the sebaceous glands that are found in the...

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The area of ​​the triangle using the angles. Calculating the Triangle Area

The area of ​​the triangle using the angles. Calculating the Triangle Area

From our first contacts with geometry, we learned how to calculate the area of ​​a triangle usin...

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Equilibrium constants Kc and Kp. Equilibrium Constants

Equilibrium constants Kc and Kp. Equilibrium Constants

Consider the generic reversible reaction below, where the lower case letters correspond to the ba...

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Mosquitoes. Why do mosquitoes buzz in our ears?

You mosquitoes, also known as muriçocas or carapanãs, belong to the Class Insecta, Order Diptera ...

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Advertising and persuasion

You've probably heard of persuasion, haven't you? Let's remember the meaning of this term?Persuas...

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Livestock in the colonial period

During the colonial period, the sugar company was the great investment of the Portuguese in Brazi...

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Abílio César Borges, Baron of Macaúbas

Brazilian pedagogue and physician born in the Bahian municipality of Rio de Contas, formerly Mina...

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