10 Essential Physics Equations for Enem

10 Essential Physics Equations for Enem

O National High School Exam (Enem) is today one of the most important selection processes carried...

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Rain and precipitation. Aspects of rainfall and precipitation

Rain and precipitation. Aspects of rainfall and precipitation

The rains are not the same, because they can have different origins and different characteristics...

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Childhood obesity: causes, data and consequences

Childhood obesity: causes, data and consequences

THE obesityis a chronic disease characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body, accum...

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Cocal trees. Particularities of Mata dos Cocais

Coca forest is a type of Brazilian vegetation that occurs between the North and Northeast of Braz...

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Are the king and queen naked?

"Well, here we have another task for the educator...: teaching how to rationally betray, in the n...

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Training of trainers in environmental education via distance learning modality

The present research consists in the elaboration of a project in Distance Education (EAD). Our i...

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Pronouns: what they are, types, functions and examples

Pronoun is word class variable whose purpose is to replace or determine (accompany) a noun. They ...

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Chameleon (Family Chamaeleonidae)

Kingdom animaliaPhylum ChordataClass reptileOrder squamataFamily ChamaeleonidaeChameleons are rep...

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Machiavelli and the autonomy of politics. Machiavelli and politics

Nicolau Machiavelli, born in the second half of the 15th century, in Florence, Italy, is a of th...

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Verbal voices: what they are, characteristics and meaning

Verbal voices: what they are, characteristics and meaning

At voicesverbal they inform the relationship between the thing referred to and the participants o...

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Literature, artistic expression of the word

"It enters the realm of words deafly.There are poems waiting to be written."What is literature?Li...

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Raul Pompeia: life, characteristics, works, death

Raul Pompeia: life, characteristics, works, death

Raul Pompeia was a Brazilian author of the 19th century, born on April 12, 1863. His best known n...

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