Training of trainers in environmental education via distance learning modality

The present research consists in the elaboration of a project in Distance Education (EAD). Our intention is to describe a proposal for continuing education in the distance learning modality, which can provide the elaboration of sustainable practices in the Municipality of Maracanaú/Ce about environmental issues from interventions planned. The research presented was investigated through bibliographical and documentary research. In reality, the project deals with a program that emerges from a perspective, in which Environmental Education must break the concept of a formal practice, articulating actions to carry out interventions committed to changing attitudes about the construction of an environment guided by the culture of peace between man and nature, rethinking, via education, the need for public policies guided by a quality of life, with inclusions, as a project pilot the theme is not exhausted, therefore, providing a future in-depth discussion with the collection of primary data in the field, or something in this sense. Thus, we found ways that break with the convenience and lack of awareness about the issues announced, integrating those involved for a harmonious relationship on our planet, awakening them to an awareness ecological.

Given the transformations that have been taking place in our society, we can consider that we are living in times of discussion that allow us to reflect on the health of the planet. In general, regarding educational policies, we identified a concern with the insertion of an active class in the society, in which inclusion is a means that favors the potential of a fairer society, egalitarian for all.

Globalization is announced in times of modernity as a process of universalization of peoples, in all cultural, economic, social and environmental areas, having an inclusive character, both in time and space. The present reality generates a reframing of cultural, political, socio-economic and environmental values, in the which foment a dialectical critique about, really, our insertion in a totally dualistic society and selectist. This criticism comes from a context that preaches a fair society for all, where education mediates relations of knowledge and work, being through these main points, among others, the active presence of man in this universalization of economic, political, social worlds and cultural, that is, although globalization has an inclusive perspective of sharing global values ​​and concepts, it is not inclusive.

The catastrophic effects that arise on our planet due to industrialization, mainly due to the lack of awareness of a culture of peace, committed to the quality of life based on environmental practices, has generated a neglect that compromises the health of the planet. Global warming, desertification, climatic conditions, pollution, social exclusion, economic disorder, etc., are consequences caused by the action of man in nature, in a way that compromises the state of coexistence between man and nature, therefore we realize the need for an intervention not only through preservation, but change of values ​​through socio-ecological actions in our society.

The educational system has a fundamental role in making the current world scenario understood, in particular environmental issues. His contribution comes with a critical reflection on this issue, fostering a discussion about the formation of citizens who are protagonists of a difficult reality to be faced, that is, the universalization that does not happen in a way that can include nations in issues of equality, in which the existing diversities must exist, however respected.

On the other hand, according to Castro (1999, p. 134), education as a social practice constitutes a fundamental mediation for life on the planet. This is because, through the educational route, an attempt is made to contribute to the integration between scientific knowledge and popular knowledge, aiming to minimize social exclusion and socio-environmental degradation. In this context, EE reveals itself as an imperative need, not only to guarantee human existence in the planet, but to build a harmonious and respectful society with other species and with the environment that sustains.

On the other hand, since 1988, the Brazilian Constitution provides for the promotion of EE at all levels of education. Despite successful initiatives in various parts of the country, an Environmental Education policy has not been effectively implemented so far. Lack of resources, precarious working conditions and insufficient training of basic education professionals are some of the most serious obstacles in this field.

Even though EE is everyone's duty, as provided for by law, school education is a privileged space for raising awareness of an entire population with regard to environmental issues, so that environmental problems are perceived as a function of the interests and values ​​that constitute some of its determinants, aiming at interventions on such problems, so that they are solved.

However, in current education, the curricula are still organized into traditional subjects, which only lead the student to an accumulation of information and not the holistic view of the world, as recommended by the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN's) and aims at Education Environmental.

From the previous comments, reflecting on the emergence of information and communication technologies, with characteristics that are intended to generate possibilities, we can to identify one more trend that has been perpetuated, adding to the existing multiculturalism, today, as a requirement for overcoming distances, where the globalization process becomes viable, the EAD. According to Edith Litwin (2001), DE can be considered as a teaching modality with specific characteristics, characterized by the use of a multiplicity of pedagogical resources, aiming at the construction of knowledge, in which it presents excellent possibilities of the modality for education permanent.

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In this understanding, new technologies and teaching techniques, as well as modern studies on the processes of learning, provide more effective resources to meet and motivate those involved in the process of teaching-learning. However, for many educators, these resources still present themselves as strange companions, although it is recognized that their use in the process is becoming increasingly relevant. Thus, the presence of these resources in teacher training courses and/or as a pedagogical means for enhancing skills and abilities is necessary.

Among the most discussed issues in the contemporary world, education figures with an important space in the media in general, along with the main environmental problems. Therefore, this project aims to understand the interface between formal education and the approach to environmental issues, providing from a training continued in the distance learning modality to teachers of public institutions of Basic Education in the Municipality of Maracanaú-C and an interaction network, which enables the construction of environmental actions and interventions in the educational scenario, thus causing the necessary awareness, so that we become multipliers of the problem in question.
Thinking about teacher training from a contextualized practice committed to raising awareness of changes in attitude in the educational scenario, promoting space exchanges about the issue in question, is that we resorted to continuing education with teachers of Basic Education in the Municipality of Maracanaú-Ce, in the modality of distance. We will work with a participatory methodology that promotes socio-ecological ethics and leads us to empowering transformations for individuals and groups. We will emphasize the simplicity of the natural, of didactic-pedagogical materials, of dialogue and of sharing experiences and knowledge.

The methodology will be open and replicable and can be recreated in a VLE. We will use a tool, Moodle environment, with the possibility of expanding it with the help of a variety of other materials prepared by the participants of the activities themselves.
We propose that all AVA instances - specialists, education technicians, trainers, teachers - work with materials, experiences and documents brought by the participants in their accumulated baggage of life. We will provide moments of interactions that are not only aimed at achieving goals related to the development of skills and abilities in the construction of techniques environmental, but commitment to assume new postures, attitudes and values ​​consistent with the needs of the target audience, as part of a process bigger.

Tutoring aimed at training should make the appropriation of instruments that guarantee the interaction in the VLE from the interactivity with the available technological tools, enabling the construction of a virtual community, guided by a new conception of doing pedagogical. Training with teachers from the municipal education network should be constituted in an environment of dialogue based on media tools, making the appropriation of theoretical foundation provided in the AVA, using the face-to-face moments to structure pedagogical proposals that foster interventions, disseminating criteria of coexistence and conduct in our community, giving feedback through targeted syntheses, considering the autonomy of fundamental knowledge throughout process.

The actions to be taken in the entire process of implementing continuing education in the distance learning modality must be guided by a pedagogical political proposal with a dialectical conception, aiming at autonomy, democratization, decentralization, collectivity of actuations. They will be developed in three stages: preparation, implementation and synthesis, composed of education technicians of the municipality, partnership with an academic institution, the Municipal Secretary for the Environment and experts. Every evaluation of a project, whether or not its execution, always takes into account the relationship cost-benefit, that is, the financier wants to know if the result to be obtained will compensate the value to be disbursed.

For the execution of this project, it must be submitted to the formal approval of the interested municipality or institution. The course will be held on dates previously agreed with the Secretariat or another institution. After the formalization of an instrument of contract between the two parties. The resources used to create and implement continuing education in the distance education modality in the current structure are human, technical and material. Therefore, we have listed general use materials, personnel and technological materials with a brief description of your needs for consideration by the City Municipality of Maracanaú, as a field of research, together with an academic institution that can support our work proposal, either scientific.

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