The Metro and the Yard

Short distances are represented by the following units: meter and yard. It is quite common to hea...

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What is geometry?

THE Geometry it is one of the three major areas of Mathematics, alongside calculus and algebra. T...

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Sociology as a science of society

The economic, political and cultural transformations that took place in the West from the 18th ce...

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What is? Answers to frequently asked questions.

What is? Answers to frequently asked questions.

the section "What is?" is a channel created by Brasil Escola for you who are always questioning y...

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What is Globalization?

What is Globalization?

THEglobalizationis a term that was developed in the 1980s to describe the process of intensificat...

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What will you be when you grow up?

As we approach adulthood, we are not only asked by the family, but we also ask ourselves: Which ...

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Bhaskara Formula Demonstration

Bhaskara Formula Demonstration

All equation which can be written in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 is called second degree equation. ...

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Why is there drought in the Northeast? Causes of drought in the Northeast

Why is there drought in the Northeast? Causes of drought in the Northeast

It is common to see, both on the internet and on television, images referring to the drought in t...

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Launcher-Perfume. The Perfume Launcher and Carnival

Launcher Perfume is a solvent based on ethyl chloride, ether, chloroform and scented essence, man...

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Interrogative Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns in Spanish

Interrogative Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns in Spanish

You interrogative pronouns, interrogative pronouns in spanish, are words whose function is ask qu...

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Urban Geography. Cities, Urbanization and Urban Geography

THE urban geography is the area of ​​geography that is concerned with studying, understanding and...

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Drugs: curiosities and harm of narcotics

Drugs: curiosities and harm of narcotics

drugs they are any substance capable of altering the physiological or psychobiological functions ...

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