Interrogative Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns in Spanish

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You interrogative pronouns, interrogative pronouns in spanish, are words whose function is ask questions and obtain information such as places, people, times when actions are taken, and ways of doing something.

Because they are pronouns, interrogatives fulfill syntactic function of subject in the prayers in which they are employed. Let's see, below, what are the interrogative pronouns and their uses.

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Interrogative Pronouns

You interrogative pronouns they are words used to ask questions and obtain information. Are they:


Plural form



which ones






from where



Uses of interrogative pronouns

the interrogative whatis used to ask for things or people when nothing is known about the answer. Example:

¿What on Sundays?
(What do you do sunday?)

See too: What time is it?

Çhellois used to make a selection of things mentioned. Example:

We have several types of pastels, ¿where do you like it bad?
(We have several types of cakes, from which do you like it better?)

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Whoenis used to ask for people. The answer will always be someone's name or a substantive which indicates a person or group of people. Example:

¿Whoen do you want a helado?
(Who do you want an ice cream?)

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In Spanish we have the word quien, which is the plural of whoever. Its use is the same, the difference is that the question is addressed to more than one person (in Portuguese it is only used who,regardless of the number of people).

¿Whoen do you know the answer?
(Who do you know the answer?)

To ask for quantities, in Spanish the interrogative is used. how much. The most frequent answer is a number or a word that expresses quantity. Unlike the other interrogatives, this one has its feminine and masculine forms as well. Examples:

¿Counts hijos tiene?
(How many do you have children?)

¿Counts Personas fit in this stadium?
(How many can people fit in this stadium?)

¿Count mouse has expected?
(Per how much long did you wait?)

the interrogative when is used to ask for the time/moment an action is, was, or will be performed. Example:

¿when Did they celebrate the Olympic Games in Pekin?
(When were the Olympic Games held in Beijing?)

The interrogative is used whereto ask about locations. Example:

¿where is there a pharmacy, please?
(Where is there a pharmacy, please?)

Likeit is the interrogative used to ask about the way of being or doing. Examples:

¿Like Are you meeting today?
(Like are you today?)

¿Like prepares el postre?
(Like preparing dessert?)

the interrogative whyis used when you want to know the reasons for an action or situation. To ask, use the separate words and the what sharp. In turn, the answer is usually a why together and without accent. Example:

Es miércoles, ¿why Is the store closed?
(- Today is Wednesday, why the store is closed?)

Why are vacaciones.
(— Why they are on vacation.)

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions and obtain information.
Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions and obtain information.

Exercise solved

Question 1 - The following sentences contain answers to questions asked with interrogative pronouns:

I. I call myself Francisco.

II. In August.

III. It is in the garage.

IV. To learn spanish.

V. El mío es el white.

The interrogatives used in the questions that these sentences answer are, respectively:

The) como, cuándo, where, why, cuál

B) who, what, how, how, how

ç) where, who, why, how much, why

d) cuántas, dónde, quién, que, how


Alternative A.

By Diego Guimarães Gontijo
Spanish teacher

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GONTIJO, Diego Guimarães. "Interrogative Pronouns"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.
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