Launcher-Perfume. The Perfume Launcher and Carnival

Launcher Perfume is a solvent based on ethyl chloride, ether, chloroform and scented essence, manufactured in Argentina. It is stored in high pressure tubes, allowing it to be easily evaporated and effectively inhaled.

This substance is absorbed by the pulmonary mucosa, and its components are carried, via the bloodstream, to the kidneys, liver and nervous system. Releasing adrenaline in the body, it accelerates the heart rate, providing a feeling of euphoria and disinhibition while conferring hearing and visual disturbances, loss of self-control and vision confused.

As its effects are quick, users tend to inhale it several times, enhancing the action of its compounds on the body. Thus, its use can trigger more serious conditions, such as shortness of breath, fainting, hallucinations, seizures, cardiac arrest and death. Furthermore, by altering the individual's consciousness, it allows him to be more vulnerable to accidents.

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Its use in Brazil took place in the early twenties, in the Rio de Janeiro carnival, in which it was sprinkled on revelers, perfuming them and providing pleasant sensations. Apparently a harmless diversion, its adverse effects and more serious consequences made, later on, President Jânio Quadros decree the prohibition of its use in our country. However, the perfume launcher continued to be used in the following years and decades, relatively accessible, as it is smuggled from Paraguay and Argentina: places where its manufacture is not prohibited.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Perfume Spear"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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