October 3rd – World Dentist Day

Keeping your teeth healthy is essential for health and quality of life, since with good teeth care, it is possible to carry out a painless and efficient chewing process, besides, of course, improving the self esteem. The dentist is the professional able to take care of health and oral aesthetics. Thanks to this important role, this professional is honored at each October 3rd, date considered as the World Day of Dentist.

The first dental school in the world (Baltimore College of Dental Surgery) was created in 1840, in the United States. In Brazil, dental education began linked to the Faculties of Medicine in Rio de Janeiro and Bahia in 1884.

The exercise of Dentistry in Brazilian territory was regulated in August 1966 by Law No. 5081. According to this law, only those who are "qualified by an official or recognized school or college, after registration of the diploma in the Board of Higher Education, in the National Inspection Service of the Dentistry, at the competent state health department and registration with the Regional Council of Dentistry under whose jurisdiction the location of its activity."

The dentist takes care, in addition to oral health, the aesthetics of teeth. This is the professional responsible for extracting, restoring, cleaning and whitening teeth, installing dentures, performing surgeries, fighting diseases in the gum, cheeks and tongue and provide guidance on oral hygiene.

Despite what many people think, a visit to the dentist is essential even when there is no pain in the teeth, given that this professional analyzes in detail the integrity of each tooth and observes if hygiene is taking place properly proper. With this thorough analysis, it is possible to prevent and avoid the worsening of serious dental problems.

The recommendation of how often to visit the dentist is still very controversial. In the 17th century, the recommendation that a visit to the dentist should be made at least twice a year arose. However, there is no scientific basis for this claim. Currently there are recommendations from some institutions that adults who take care of their oral hygiene and do not have frequent dental problems can attend the dentist every two years. However, people who have frequent dental problems should see the dentist more often.

As there is no consensus on the recommendations, the ideal is that the number of visits to the dentist is established between the patient and the professional. Only this professional is able to identify dental problems, understand their evolution and create ways to stop the advance of diseases.

Here are some tips that help improve teeth health:

- Visit your dentist regularly and talk about the number of annual visits;

- Brush your teeth properly and use a brush that allows brushing the teeth located in the back of the mouth;

- Use dental floss;

- Eat healthy and always brush your teeth after meals.

Curiosity: On October 25th, the National Dentist's Day and Dental Health Day are celebrated.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-do-dentista.htm

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