Case Madeleine McCann gains a new direction, and DNA test will be carried out

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Last Monday, the 27th, a new assumption of the case emerged Madeleine McCann. This time, a 21-year-old Polish girl named Julia Fuastyna claims to be the girl who disappeared in Portugal in 2007.

The new suspect revealed in “Dr. Phil”, one of the most popular shows in the United States, which she believes being Madeleine for not having a birth certificate or any other link with the years of her infancy.

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During the broadcast, the girl says that she lives the life of a medium and that she feels some childhood memories. The narrated story resembles several theories that have emerged over the years.

New episode of the Madeleine McCann case

Julia was based on the theory because of several mysteries that surrounded her whole life, then she connected the facts. She says that her supposed mother changed the subject when the young woman asked about childhood or about the birth certificate.

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In “Dr. Phil,” she said she has never seen childhood photos, just as she has no records of her childhood vaccination card. The card she has in her hands today does not record any type of vaccine she received during the first six years of her life, as they are pages that have not been filled out.

Although she has no physical evidence, she feels a connection to her childhood memories. Julia pressured her parents all her life to perform DNA tests, requests that were denied by her parents in every attempt.

The memories make the alleged Madeleine create connections with things that happened during her childhood. According to the report, she remembers being on a beach, near the sea, in a place where there were turtles and other children. She seriously believes that this place would be the Algarve, where the family was on vacation when the child disappeared.

The story gets even more complicated when the Polish woman tells that she remembers having suffered sexual abuse during her childhood, even remembering the name of the abuser – Peter Ney, a child trafficker. This is even one of several theories that have emerged over the years.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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