Teenager wanted in RJ was found in Maranhão trapped in a kitchenette

Missing since March 6, the 12-year-old teenager was found last Tuesday, the 14th, in the state of Maranhão. Police reported that she was locked in a studio apartment in the state capital. As a suspect in the crime, the man was arrested for false imprisonment.

The criminal traveled 3,100 km to find the girl in Rio de Janeiro, at the gate of the school located in Sepetiba, in the West Zone of the state, in a trip that cost around R$4,000.

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Police are still investigating whether the trip was made by an app driver or a private driver hired. The investigation is also trying to find out if the teenager was the victim of sexual abuse.

Maranhão police found the missing girl

Delegate Marcone Matos, from the state of Maranhão, says that he bridged the gap with information provided by a delegate from RJ. After collecting information, the intelligence service began to act, managing to find the room where the teenager was being held.

“She was locked in a kitchenette in the Divinéia neighborhood. We were trying to open the door when she opened the window. We really realized that she was locked inside the house. A crime of kidnapping, she is only 12 years old”, said the delegate.

The case was discovered last Tuesday, the 14th, when the Maranhão police found the girl. The investigation found that the girl met a 25-year-old man through an app and had conversations with him.

Man arrested for false imprisonment. Photo: Playback/TV Globo.

To rescue the girl, those responsible need to go to the state in which she was found. Because she is a minor and does not have the necessary documents, the teenager cannot travel alone. To G1, her father reported that he and the girl's mother do not have the financial resources to make the trip and are trying to raise funds to pick her up.

The girl is at the Casa da Mulher Brasileira, a shelter for women who are in vulnerable situations.

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