Writing tips for Enem

Do you feel prepared to write the essay for the National High School Exam? To get a good score in what is one of the most important parts of the exam — the writing — you need to prepare and be aware of what happens in Brazil and in the world. Remember that even if you struggle with the other tests, the writing test is where you have the chance to improve your average, so let's study!

To help you reach the dream 1000 in the Enem's writing, Brasil Escola has prepared a quick guide on how to prepare for the test and how to write your text. Enjoy your reading and good studies!

Writing tips for Enem

Preparing for Enem

→ You study for the Mathematics, Portuguese, History and other subjects, right? Why not study for the Writing test? It is in the writing test that you have the opportunity to show your entire cultural repertoire, everything you have learned from literature, cinema, music, news, etc. If you haven't been interested in any of these areas yet, it's time to redeem yourself. Read more, expand your horizons and the chances of showing the broker that you are capable of creating, developing and defending an idea.

→ If you are curious, search for essays that reached the maximum grade over the years the exam took place. You will notice that they all depart from the predictable, move away from the clichés and establish a competent dialogical relationship with other areas of knowledge, such as History, Geography and Literature, always respecting the theme and making the most of the information in the collection.

How to write the Enem essay?

→ You may already know that the textual type charged in Enem is the dissertation, an argumentative text that requires the author to develop an idea and take a critical stance on it. In order for the theme to be developed in an impartial way, you must present favorable ideas and ideas contrary to your own opinion, indispensable elements for the persuasion strategy, after all, an argumentative text is intended to convince the reader.

→ Many people check the essay theme only at the end of the test, which is, for most teachers, a mistake. Upon receiving the proof, see what the topic of the essay is and, while you solve the objective questions, you can develop ideas for your text, writing them down. It is interesting to note that, many times, the theme of writing was present in the objective questions of the Exam, which may provide subsidies for your text.

→ Never overlook the collection of texts: it should be used to the full, especially if you do not master the required topic. When reading the collection, make observations about the proper way to use the texts, as they must be a source of information and must never be copied or paraphrased. The candidate must interpret these texts and use the information contained in them to create their argument.

→ Make a list of all the ideas you had during the test, in addition to the ideas that came up with the reading of the collection, and try to define your thesis, that is, what you intend to defend in your text. Develop your arguments and focus on presenting a good intervention proposal for the problem presented, this is an essential element in the writing of Enem. The intervention proposal should not be confused with a conclusion, as it is not enough to conclude the text, it is mandatory the presentation of viable solutions that respect human rights, a topic provided for in the reference matrix of the Exam. The proposal it must be well detailed and present a connection with the arguments developed throughout the essay.

Respect the limit of lines, remember that the parts of the text must be proportional, which means you should not make, for example, an introduction or conclusion that is too long. To avoid this type of error, it is important that you plan how many lines each paragraph should have. Ideally, you should spare one paragraph for the introduction (theme presentation), two or three for the development (argumentation) and one for the conclusion (intervention proposal). Review your text and be aware of coherence, cohesion, redundancy and grammatical errors. Also, if possible, write your text clean, fine print and good luck!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/dicas-redacao-para-enem.htm

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