Expert says: 'It's better to consume little sugar than sweetener'

Today's subject addresses something that is not very comfortable for almost anyone: sugar! Yes, it is delicious, but the reality is that we are consuming too much of it.

In addition to adding empty calories to the diet, excess sugar is linked to problems like tooth decay, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even some cancers.

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But what about sugar alternatives? Are they really better? This is a crucial issue, as low-calorie or no-calorie sweeteners are present in many food and personal care products.

To understand better, check out what we present below and find out if, in fact, the sweetener is the best option. Look!

The use of sweeteners has grown every year

Recently, studies have shown that a quarter of children and 40% of adults consume sweeteners.

Furthermore, according to a recent survey, about 3.5 million people have adopted the use of sweeteners on a daily basis.

It is understandable that the possibility of enjoying the sweet taste without worrying about the consequences that affect your health, or even the illusion of keeping your figure, is tempting.

However, is this really as simple an option as it seems? Unfortunately, research points out that the consumption of sweeteners can contribute to weight gain in some cases.

Sweetener can increase weight and be harmful to health

While this may seem unlikely, studies conducted with fruit flies and mice (animals that are easier to study) have indicated that eating these products can increase appetite.

In one of the studies published in the journal Cell in 2016, researchers gave sucralose – a no-calorie sweetener – to flies for three days.

Surprisingly, this habit encouraged the flies to consume more calories and food. When they suspended the use of the substance, their consumption returned to normal.

Therefore, it is important to reflect on the real effects of frequent consumption of sweeteners on health.

Research shows that sweeteners can increase hunger

Recent discoveries reveal that sweeteners activate an enzyme called AMPK, responsible for stimulating the production of hunger hormones.

Although it has been observed in flies, it is likely that this process also occurs in humans.

In addition, studies indicate that the consumption of sweeteners can lead to an increase in caloric intake the next day.

There are low-calorie options, such as xylitol and sorbitol, which are mostly poorly absorbed by our body and can cause excess gastrointestinal discomfort.

And then there are the zero-calorie sweeteners, such as sucralose, aspartame and stevia, which do not provide calories because they are not digested by our body.

Restricting sweet foods may be the best way to adjust your taste buds.

Did you know that cutting out sugar and artificial sweeteners can improve your sensitivity to sweet taste?

Including, this is the best way for those who need to reduce the amount of sweets daily.

Research published in The Permanente Journal in 2015 showed that 95% of participants noticed that their usual foods were now sweeter after two weeks without added sugar.

But that's not all, recent studies indicate that some sweeteners can negatively affect your gut microbiome, compromising your health.

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