Types of industry. Industry types and their classification

The industrial activity consists of the production process that aims to transform raw materials into merchandise through human work and, in an increasingly common way, using machines. This activity is classified according to its focus of action, being branched into three major sets: production goods industries, intermediate goods industries and goods industries consumption.
The production goods industries, also called basic or heavy industries, are responsible for transformation of raw raw materials into processed raw materials, being the basis for other branches industrial. Production goods industries are divided into two strands: extractive and capital goods.
Extractive industries – are those that extract raw materials from nature (vegetable, animal or mineral) without any significant change in their elementary properties. Examples: wood industry, mineral production, oil extraction and mineral coal.
Equipment industries – are responsible for transforming natural or semi-manufactured goods for the structuring of intermediate goods and consumer goods industries. Examples: steel, petrochemicals, etc.

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Intermediate goods industries are characterized by the supply of processed products. They produce machinery and equipment that will be used in the various segments of the consumer goods industries. Examples: mechanics (industrial machines, tractors, automotive engines, etc.); auto parts (wheels, tires, etc.)
Consumer goods industries have their production directed directly to the consumer market, that is, to the population in general. There is also the division of this type of industry according to their performance in the market, they are branched into durable goods and non-durable goods industries.
Durable goods industries – are those that manufacture non-perishable goods. Examples of this type of industry are: automobile, commercial furniture, electrical material, electronics, etc.
Non-durable goods industries – produce basic necessities and generalized consumption, that is, perishable products. Examples: food, textile, clothing, medicine, cosmetics, etc.

Food industry

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Types of Industries"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/tipos-industrias.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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