keep a good oral hygiene it is extremely important at all ages. care for the mouth, gum and, in particular, with the teeth prevent the bad breath and some others oral problems, such as caries, Tartarus and gingivitis, which are usually caused by uncontrolled proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity.
Feeding combined with other factors favors the installation and multiplication of bacteria in the mouth. Therefore, we must be very careful with our oral hygiene, cleaning the mouth, gums, tongue and teeth properly.
When we think about oral hygiene, it usually comes to mind just brushing our teeth, but taking care of our oral health goes beyond that. The consumption of any type of food contributes to the proliferation of bacteria inside the mouth, so food residues always need to be removed after meals. This should be done at all stages of life, even as a baby, even if the child has no teeth.
The idea that oral cleaning should only be done after the birth of the first tooth is a big mistake made, unfortunately, by many mothers. It is recommended to pass a clean, damp diaper or gauze over the baby's gums after feeding, in order to remove the milk residues. There is also the possibility of using a very common instrument for this purpose, the silicone finger pad. This act, in addition to fighting the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth, prepares the gums for the birth of the first tooth.
Another very common mistake among the population is to think that the first visit to the dentist should only take place when the child has already formed his teeth. This is wrong, as every stage of life needs specific care in oral hygiene; therefore, it is important for the child to go to the dentist as soon as possible. Thus, parents will correctly learn all the necessary actions for a good oral hygiene for their child. In addition, the dentist is the professional responsible for analyzing the patient's oral health and predicting situations of risk, such as caries, tartar and gingivitis, in addition to showing how these evils can be avoided and taken care of, if occur.
From the birth of the baby teeth, a daily oral hygiene routine which involves to brush your teeth and floss. The use of mouthwash (mouthwash) can complement oral cleaning, but it is not a mandatory item and should be used in specific cases and with recommendation of a dentist, as its indiscriminate use can increase the risk of mouth and pharyngeal cancer, as found by researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP).
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Tooth brushing is one of the main steps in the oral hygiene routine. We must brush your teeth at least three times a day, but the most suitable is always brush after any meal, to prevent the accumulation of food in the mouth, thus preventing the creation of a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria. For little ones, it is recommended to use a child-friendly toothbrush with soft bristles. In this age group, it is important to monitor the parents during brushing to teach the child to brush their teeth correctly, until they have the autonomy to do it alone.
Dentists often recommend that the brushing be done for at least two minutes, performing circular movements and all over the teeth. It is also important to brush your teeth with a Toothpaste containing fluorine salts - fluoride, but in the appropriate amount for each age. The use of pastes with a high concentration of fluoride by children under 7 years of age can cause a condition called dental fluorosis.
Another important aspect is the care with the brush and its replacement. After brushing your teeth, we should shake it so as to make it as dry as possible and store it upright, which helps it to dry better. We should change our brushes every three months as, over time, the bristles start to deform, making brushing less effective. In addition, brushes are very favorable means for the proliferation of fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms, so their use for a long time favors these beings to multiply.
We must not forget that we must brushing not only your teeth but also your tongue. The rough surface of the tongue favors the installation of bacteria and food debris on its surface, which can influence the emergence of infectious problems and the development of bad breath. Dentists recommend that the tongue be cleaned once or twice a day. It is not necessary to use toothpaste, just brush it with your own toothbrush or with tongue cleaners or scrapers.
O flossing It is extremely important to complete dental hygiene. Tooth brushing alone is not sufficient to remove plaque or food debris where the brush bristles cannot reach. Flossing should be used at least once a day, preferably before from the last brushing.
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MACHADO, Flávia de Figueiredo. "How to maintain good oral hygiene"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.