Unfortunately, even though the number of illiterates in the country has fallen precipitously in recent years, we need to deal with a serious problem that affects millions of Brazilians: o functional illiteracy. It is said that an individual is functionally illiterate when he, even being technically literate, that is, he knows and adequately deciphers the code, is unable to understand what he has read. It is interesting to note that this difficulty is not related to years of exposure to systematized knowledge. a view that reaches people with all levels of education, according to a survey by the Functional Illiteracy Indicator, the Inaf.
As most readers cannot understand simple readings, it is normal for the disinterest in books to increase, after all After all, words are emptied of meaning and reading becomes a tedious task, detached from any possibility of pleasure. However, this reality needs to be changed, that's why Brasil Escola prepared it for you five tips to improve your text interpretation
. These are simple reading tips that will certainly make a difference in your daily life at school, college and at work. Come on? Enjoy your reading and good studies!
Reading slowly, taking notes and always using the dictionary are among the five tips that will improve your textual interpretation
Five tips to improve your text interpretation
Tip 1 → Find a nice place to read: Whenever possible, find a suitable place to do your daily reading. This means being well accommodated, away from noise and outside influences that can impair your concentration. Even if you can read and watch television at the same time, avoid this type of behavior: help your brain to “digest” one piece of information at a time, it needs time to assimilate new content and concepts;
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Tip 2 → Don't underestimate the importance of a good dictionary: Using a dictionary is not ugly or forbidden: it is not the “father of the donkeys”, it is the father of the curious and scholars. Our Portuguese language is made up of an infinite number of words, you don't need to know the meaning of each one of them. Did a question arise? Consult the dictionary and write down the word consulted in the notebook, so that it can become part of your vocabulary under construction;
Tip 3 → Whenever possible, read on paper: Many people have lost the habit of purchasing physical books, that is, printed ones. They are content with reading virtual documents that do not always offer the same reading possibilities as text on paper, where we can take notes, underline, fold pages and other resources that facilitate textual interpretation. Reading on the computer or other technological supports can be more convenient and practical, but it is not always the best option for those who have difficulties with textual interpretation;
Tip 4 → Paraphrase: Before we present this tip, it is important that you know that paraphrase is nothing more than a free and elaborate explanation of a book or document. So, as the reading progresses, pause and try to explain in your own words (that is, without transcribing the document fragment) what you have already read. This technique makes the text easier to understand;
Tip 5 → Read slowly: We know that the daily demands are many and urgent, but whenever possible, take the time to read calmly, rushed readings are hardly processed by the brain. Sometimes, what the reader lacks are adequate reading conditions, not textual comprehension skills. External factors greatly influence the success or failure of reading, so don't read if you don't have enough time to reflect on what was read, right?
By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters
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PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "Five tips to improve your text interpretation"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/cinco-dicas-para-melhorar-sua-interpretacao-texto.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.