Who has never been apprehensive about an essay sheet? A fundamental element for the composition of the grade in competitions and entrance exams, the writing usually causes a lot of headaches in candidates, because in this At the moment, all our linguistic knowledge is put to the test of readers/correctors, who will judge whether or not we are proficient in writing the language. Portuguese.
However, while composing a good essay is not an easy task, there are some tips that can help you organize your ideas better. We have prepared ten writing tips for you for competitions and entrance exams that can guide your studies. Remember: these are tips, which doesn't exempt you from seeking more and more improvement, right?
→1. Every good writer is, par excellence, a good reader. When we read, we assimilate new ideas and realize how language works in practice. Although the grammars present the rules for a correct writing, they do not always show the real situations of use, which will only be found in texts of the most diverse genres. Therefore, reading is the best learning experience for anyone studying the mechanisms of language, whatever it may be;
→2. Practice writing, because practice makes a good writer. Learning is even more grounded and solidified when we have someone to guide us, therefore, write a lot, but whenever possible ask someone with specific knowledge to correct your texts. in the area;
→3. Pay attention to the instructions that are passed on in the collection of texts for the composition of the essay and respect the minimum and maximum number of lines. Every line you cross is disregarded at patch time and will certainly affect your performance;
→4. When you are finished writing, reread the entire text. A careful reading can filter out grammatical errors as well as more complex problems that affect the coherence and cohesion of your text;
→5. An essay should not be too big or too small. To avoid this type of situation, usually a good text has four to five paragraphs, because this way it well contemplates the development of all the parts that make up the writing, that is, introduction, development and conclusion;
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
→6. Objectivity is a factor that counts many points in its favor. Avoid beating around the bush, get straight to the point, opting for a more incisive and streamlined language. Clichés and clichés are considered unnecessary terms, so avoid them;
→7. Respect the form of the writing, that is, obey the margins and make the correct indentation of the paragraphs, after all, they are essential to show your reader what a new idea pad will be started. Also pay attention to the letter, if there are no restrictions expressed in the essay book, prefer the block letter, as they are generally more readable;
→8. The use of the title in an essay is not always mandatory, so pay attention to the instructions. If requested, it must be a nominal sentence, brief and not punctuated;
→9. Score your prayers more often. Long periods can make reading boring and writing more prone to errors related to coherence and cohesion;
→10. Writing is usually the last activity on the test book, which doesn't mean you have to leave it to the end. Your text can be responsible for the composition of up to 60% of the note, so try to prioritize it. If you choose the draft, which is advisable, be aware when you go to clean it, read it carefully so as not to forget any word or phrase.
The tips suggested here can help you to compose a good essay. But remember: there is no manual to follow, and unfortunately, they haven't invented a magic formula that makes us great writers overnight. Proficiency in the written modality demands time, dedication, a lot of training and some inspiration, therefore, good work and good studies!
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "Writing tips for competitions and entrance exams"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/dicas-redacao-para-concursos-vestibulares.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.
Wonderful city?
Peddlers are parents of very poor families, and so they deserve our sympathy and affection; then they multiply by 1000. Here in front of my house, at Praça General Osório, there has been a hippie fair for a long time. Artists and artisans exhibit there on Sundays and sell their stuff. A fair a bit too organized: always the same artists showing things almost always without interest. I always thought there should be a corner where any artist could sell a painting; any artist or even anyone, without permits or licenses. Anyway, the fact is that the fair worked, a lot of people bought things – that's fine. Because suddenly, on both sides, on Rua Visconde de Pirajá, stalls appeared, cluttering the sidewalks, selling everything - clothes, dishes, fruits, offal, toys, used objects, bronzing oil ampoules, birds, popcorn, aspirin, ice cream, pocket knives. And the beaches were invaded by 1000 vendors. In the street and on the sand, an orgy of dogs. I have never seen so many dogs in Rio, and I assume that many people walk with them to defend themselves against robbers. The result is multiple dirt, which requires pedestrian care not to step on those things. And those things dry up, become dust, join with rotten fruit husks and waste of all kinds, and fish remains from the Tuesday market, and leaves, and spit, and old newspapers; a dust from the three kingdoms of nature and from all human servitude.
Ah, if there is a wind in the northwest, it will soon rise, this dust, swirling in the air, entering our lungs in a gust of hot air. In the past, we used to flee to the beach, to the sea. There are too many people now, the beach is too crowded. Okay, okay, the sea, the sea belongs to the people, as the square belongs to the condor – but there could be fewer dogs and balls and boards and boats and street vendors and beach rats and robbers who work inside water, with a pocketknife in someone else's belly, and guys who carry Styrofoam boxes and advertise ice cream and when the innocent citizen asks for mango popsicles, he opens the box and from there pulls the weapon. Every day they invent a new scam: youth is very creative, and robbers are almost always very young.
Rubem Braga