You've probably heard of persuasion, haven't you? Let's remember the meaning of this term?
Persuasion comes from the verb persuade: lead to believe or to believe (Aurélio). That is, it is the act of you trying to convince the other to believe in you.
Advertising, as you may have already noticed, has as its objective precisely what was stated in the definition above: to try to convince the public of something.
Therefore, whenever you see or hear an ad, remember that advertisers are using persuasive language to win you over, whether through words, colors, images, etc. And, above all, make him buy more and more!
Making an advertisement requires knowing:
The) the product: usefulness, characteristics, qualities, disadvantages and advantages.
B) the audience: what is the target audience: young people, teenagers, adults, children. It is important to determine it to know the type of language that should be used.
ç) Objective: Selling is always the main goal. However, it can be presenting something new, making an impact, arousing curiosity, increasing sales or audience, etc.
d) Style: colors, sizes, object types, font, background, etc.
So, if the teacher asks for a paper on persuasive language using advertising, you already know, stay tuned to what was exposed and good job!
Curiosity: Advertising is also called “merchandising”, which comes from the English word merchandiser which means “dealer”. As you can see, even at its origin, advertising is a type of negotiation: I convince you and you buy.
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Advertising and Persuasion"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.