What is tautology? Text and speech: What is tautology?

Do you know what tautology is?

According to Michaelis dictionary definitions, tautology é 1. a language addiction that consists in repeating the same thought with synonymous words; 2. Error that presents, as thought progress, a repetition in different terms. Of Greek origin (tautos expresses the idea of same, in identical, and logos means subject matter), the term tautology is another name for the dreaded vicious pleonasm – dreaded because it is an unwanted effect in any newsroom. If you think you've never used and abused tautology (even because until today you've never even heard of it), get ready to face up the reality.

THE tautology, characterized by the repetition of a thought previously expressed in different words, usually happens because we do not know the true meaning of the terms used. This lack of knowledge is responsible for causing redundancy (another name used to refer to the vicious pleonasm) and also convey the unpleasant feeling that the author is trying to commit an intellectual “swindle”. When you realize that the text does not progress due to fallacy and repetition, the reader feels cheated, and how to prove that this "resource" is fruit of the lack of attention and not the linguistic "smartness" of those who think that talking more (and more difficult) will get more attention from that person. who reads? Difficult, isn't it?

To avoid misunderstandings, nothing better than being attentive when writing your text. Remember that the principle of non-tautology is one of the mandatory requirements for anyone who wants to build a text coherent and cohesive, after all, stay repeating forever the same thing does nothing for good writing. See now a short list with some tautological “precious things” that you need to abolish from the written modality:

From now on

Absolutely sure

Final touch

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

completely empty

new creation

too excessive

opening opening

climb up

get inside

down down

go out

share with us


expressly prohibited

Stars in the sky

equal halves

far exceed

Real fact

constantly frequent

optional choice

win free

Ufa! There are so many occurrences that would not fit in only one article! We are extremely creative when it comes to tautology, examples abound to illustrate the case. In addition to the pleonasms listed above, there are others that are more difficult to identify. These are expressions that are rooted in our vocabulary, words that even seem to be the perfect match, such a tune! Watch:

years ago

main protagonist

Exclusive Monopoly

prepare beforehand

handle with hands

brief address

proceed forward

predict before

false rumor

prevent in advance

city ​​councilor

the reason is because

Indicative symptoms

At your personal discretion

Possibly it could happen

continues to remain

The last definitive version

minute details

It is worth remembering that tautology is present in several fields of study: in philosophy and even in logic. However, it is in the field of language that the most frequent questions related to the subject are concentrated. In informal language, there is no problem in being tautological, even because we already know that in orality there is no right or wrong, but rather the most adequate according to the communicational context. However, in written texts, especially in those whose author's intention is to adapt the language to the language, tautology is not welcome, as it compromises objectivity and clarity textual. Stay tuned and avoid it! Good studies!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "What is tautology?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/o-que-tautologia.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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