Is there a view or is there a visa? Characteristics of expressions seen or seen

You are certainly interested in expanding your knowledge, have a view the importance of skills required by written language, isn't it true?

Well, as you could see, there is a prominent expression in the statement (in fact) that represents the target of our discussion. For that, let us analyze other statements in which this same expression is evident, but inflected. Watch:

The expression “haja seen” is characterized as adequate, as, regardless of any details, it is presented as invariable.
Making an analogy between the linguistic utterances, it should be said that the expression "be seen" represents a periphrastic verbal expression, that is, developed, and which is equivalent to the synthetic form "Look". As for the verb to have, it is inflected and demarcated by the third person of the affirmative imperative.

Thus, based on these assumptions, it is imperative to emphasize that the aforementioned expression is only considered appropriate when it is expressed in the feminine, as it is equivalent to "sight", with the meaning of "eye", and when it is free from any flexion (invariable, therefore). Therefore, always choose it:

Given the knowledge acquired here, make good use of them whenever necessary.
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School -

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