Eat these 5 foods to boost your immunity

The immune system is largely responsible for protecting our body from viral infections and diseases. Therefore, it is very important to always invest in its full operation so as not to be so susceptible to these problems. To do this, you must enter foods that boost immunity, like the ones we separate today.

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Foods that boost immunity

  • Salmon

The first food on the list is one of the healthiest proteins you can find: salmon. He is rich in omega 3, which improves the functioning of our brain, nervous system and also the immune system. In addition, he is also a powerful anti-inflammatory that will help you recover your body after some trauma.

  • Strawberry

Few people know, but strawberries are among the fruits that will most contribute to our immunity. After all, they are rich in vitamin C and have antioxidant action that stimulates immunity and reduces the effects of free radicals. There are even studies that prove the action of strawberries for the prevention of diseases such as cancer.

  • Beet

Beetroots are complete foods, as they manage to offer a lot of benefits to our health as a whole. This is due to its high amounts of important nutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamin C. Thus, its consumption implies the prevention of anemia and the strengthening of our immunity.

  • Garlic

No wonder garlic is always part of recipes against flu and other viral diseases. After all, it is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories that exist, with excellent antimicrobial action. With that, eating garlic can help fight the growth of fungi and bacteria. Not to mention that its daily consumption will influence our immunity and prevent various diseases.

  • Yogurt

Finally, let's leave the group of natural products to talk about yogurt. In this food, it is possible to find probiotics capable of improving our intestinal flora and eliminating toxins. But you need to be careful, as some sweeter and greasy options, such as those that mix chocolates, can make yogurt no longer healthy.

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