Typical food from Festa Junina

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With the arrival in Brazil, in the middle of the 17th century, the June parties they were gradually absorbed by the culture of Brazilians and also acquired several aspects that were already common to this people. In addition to the dances around the Fogueira de São João, the food is important icons of this celebration.


The historical origin of June traditions is Europe, when farmers held parties to celebrate the harvests. In Portugal, the tradition is to celebrate the wheat harvest, which takes place in the European summer, between the months of June and September. With the colonization of Brazil, the custom was gradually introduced here.

However, Brazil was not a great wheat producer at the time, so the festivals began to be celebrated with another grain, the corn. Currently, the item serves as the basis for almost all foods consumed in June festivals. in addition to the corn cooked itself, other foods derived from this grain, such as hominy, popcorn, cured it's the corn cake or Corn meal, are served during the festivities.

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There are dishes made from corn that vary by region, such as the fool, more common in the states of Goiás and Minas Gerais, and the Cooked Corn Meal, traditional among the gauchos. Northeasterners, on the other hand, usually use corn to make couscous, which can be eaten with jerky or boiled egg.


Among the treats made with peanuts are peanuts and paçoca
Among the treats made with peanuts are peanuts and paçoca

Served with salt or sugar, the roasted peanuts is appreciated by a lot of people at the festivities, but that's not all! The delicacy is also the basis for treats such as sweet paçoca, made with manioc flour and sugar.

O tomboy's foot is another taste of what can be done with peanuts. In this case, dipped in brown sugar syrup. In addition, other dishes, such as hominy, take peanuts to enhance the flavor.


O Manioc cake (macaxeira or cassava), also known as naked idiot, is one of the patrimonies of the June kermesses. The explanations for such a curious title are many. The most common says that the name honors a farmer who, out of superstition, harvested manioc naked.

There is also the increasingly common presence of chocolate in June festivals. THE deny crazy it's a proof. The creamy cake is made with a lot of chocolate in the dough and still has a generous coverage of syrup and sprinkles.

Another ingredient that can be used in many dishes is coconut, which is included in hominy and peeled mané recipes. However, the coconut cake by itself it is a common junk food in several regions of Brazil.


The apple dipped in sugar syrup, with a popsicle stick handle, gives rise to the Love Apple and it is successful among couples. The bread, cut in half and stuffed with sausage sauce, the famous hot dog, it is also included in the June party menu.

We can also highlight the sweet potato, which is roasted over the embers of the fire. The list is extensive, varies by region and includes items such as cooked pine nuts, rice pudding, sweet bread and cheesecake.

Thanks to the climate, which is cold in much of the country during the month of June, the quentão it is also traditional at parties. This drink, as the name implies, is served hot, being very common in the states of the southern region of Brazil. Made from ginger, cinnamon and drip or wine, it is a success in celebrations.
by Rafael Batista
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/detalhes-festa-junina/comidas-tipicas-festa-junina.htm


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