Complementary Angles: how to calculate and exercises

Complementary angles are angles that together add up to 90º. In a right angle divided into two parts, each represents a complement to the other.

In the image below, angle AÔC (60º) complements angle CÔB (30º). At the same time, the opposite occurs, that is, angle CÔB complements angle AÔC.

Complementary Angles of 60º and 30º

AÔC + CÔB = 90º

How to Calculate?

To calculate the measure of a complementary angle, we subtract 90° by its complement:

A + B = 90º
A = 90º - B
B = 90º - A


1. Calculate the complementary angle knowing that one of them is 37°.

A + B = 90º
37th + B = 90th
B = 90 - 37th
B = 53rd

2. Angles A and B are complementary. Knowing that A = 60º, indicate how much the angle B is.

A + B = 90º
60º + B = 90º
B = 90º - 60º
B = 30th

Supplementary and Supplementary Angles

While the sum of the complementary angles is equal to 90°, the sum of the supplementary angles is equal to 180°.

Complementary angles, in turn, are those whose sum equals 360º.

And what are Adjacent Angles?

Adjacent angles are angles that have a common side and no common interior points. Adjacent angles can be complementary. This happens when these angles together measure 90°.

Complementary Adjacent Angles of 45º and 45º

AÔC + CÔB are Complementary Adjacent Angles

Read too

  • angles
  • Rectangle Triangle
  • Remarkable Angles


1. Calculate the complement of the 53° angle.

A + B = 90º
53rd + B = 90th
B = 90º - 53º
B = 37th

2. Indicate the measure of the complementary angles such that one is triple the other.

22.5° and 67.5°

3. Two angles are complementary adjacent. Knowing that the measure of the largest angle is 47°, what is the measure of the smallest angle?


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