What is base?

Base is inorganic substance which, according to the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius, when placed in water, suffers the phenomenon of ionic dissociation, in which there is the release of ions: cation (Y+) and hydroxide anion (OH-).

General formula of an Arrhenius base

the Y group of a base it can be any metal or else of the ammonium group (NH4+), which are released in water as cations during dissociation, as we can see in the equation that represents the process:

Equation representing the dissociation of a base

See below some very important information regarding the classification and nomenclature of bases.

1) Classification regarding the solubility of bases(ability to to dissolve in the water)

  • Bases soluble: have alkali metal or ammonium in the composition;

  • Bases sparingly soluble: have alkaline earth metal in composition. Example: magnesium hydroxide, widely used as an antacid and laxative;

  • bases practically insoluble: have any other metal in the composition. Example: aluminum hydroxide, widely used as an antacid.

2) Classification regarding the grassroots strength(ability to dissociate in the water)

  • Bases strong: have alkali or alkaline earth metals, with the exception of magnesium, in the composition;

  • Bases weak: have any other metal in the composition.

3) Base nomenclature

To name a base, just follow the naming rule below:

Hydroxide + de + name of metal or ammonium

Example: Ca(OH)2 → calcium hydroxide

If the base has a chemical element that does not belong to the IA, IIA or IIIA families (and that is not the silver or zinc), we must indicate in front of the element's name, in roman numerals, the number of hydroxyls:

Example: Ti (OH)4 → titanium hydroxide IV

By Me. Diogo Lopes

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/quimica/o-que-e-base.htm

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