Congress approves scholarship project for voluntary work for unemployed

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On the 11th, the National Congress approved Provisional Measure 1099/22, which seeks to offer scholarships for voluntary work to the unemployed. In this case, the MP is authored by deputy Bia Kicis (PL-DF) and intends to integrate young people aged 18 to 29 and adults over 50 into society. Now the proposal goes to the Federal Senate, where it will once again be under debate until a possible approval.

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How it works?

The original idea is for this specific group of people to be able to carry out voluntary activities of public interest. Furthermore, the grants will only be available to those citizens who have been unemployed for at least 24 months and have been unsuccessfully looking for work. Thus, it is expected to boost the opening of jobs and stimulate the economy.

However, this is a measure with time to end, as the entire program should only have 24 months to end. This is because the objective is also to reduce the problems that were born with the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the proposal, the period will start to be counted from the moment the project is finally approved.

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Once the program is off the ground, the municipalities will be responsible for opening and paying scholarships through the National Program for the Provision of Voluntary Civil Service. This program has links with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.


The provisional measure also provides for the integration of the most vulnerable groups of the population. Thus, priority will be given to citizens who are registered with CadÚnico and who, therefore, are in a situation of social vulnerability, in the selection for the delivery of scholarships. In addition, beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil, or any other income redistribution program, will also be at the top of the list.

The MP also emphasizes the need to integrate people with disabilities in order to provide an opportunity for personal development. However, for now, there are still no predictions of when the final approval should occur.

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