Common habits that can cause cardiovascular problems

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Cardiovascular diseases reach millions of Brazilians every year. Because of this, they are the result of concern for thousands of doctors and specialists. Some studies even indicate that it is possible to reduce most of these conditions by avoiding some common habits, but which can bring serious problems to our hearts. See in this article what these are and how to avoid them.

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mix medicine

No matter what your problem is, you can be sure that taking over-the-counter drugs can make it worse, especially when different drugs are mixed. After all, in these pills and solutions, some of their compositions can be quite harmful to the body. Thus, even if the medicine is specific for heart problems, it can simply be canceled or have its effect reduced.

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This habit is very common, but it can bring some damage to our health. According to scientists, those who take these products frequently are 16% more likely to develop heart disease. This is because these remedies have a lot of sodium in their nutritional table, which in excess can cause damage to our blood vessels, leading to cardiovascular diseases.

Noise pollution

Research trying to trace the relationship between heart problems and noise pollution is quite old. However, only recently were they able to prove the effect that loud noises have on aggravating the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to Imperial College London, people who live near airports, compared to others, had a 20% increase in the development of cardiovascular disease. These damages are even greater when we talk about more sensitive groups, such as the elderly and children.

Temperature variation

Being in environments where the temperature fluctuates a lot can exacerbate the chances of you having a heart attack. According to Swiss researchers, this process can provoke vasoconstriction, which can cause the contraction of blood vessels and increased blood pressure, especially in older people. The explanation is that the metabolism of this group is slower and ends up overloading itself in an attempt to match the body temperature to that of the environment.

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