Does 'Banana Technique' lose weight? See who can get it wrong

Recently, the controversial banana weight loss technique has once again gained prominence, raising doubts about its effectiveness and potential risks. A diet, which originated in Japan in 2008, proposes the exclusive daily consumption of the fruit in several variations, from replace morning meals with bananas as much as you want until you only eat four bananas with water warm.

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Therefore, the mind behind this strategy is pharmacist Sumiko Watanabe, a specialist in preventive medicine, who sought to offer a simple approach to weight loss. She understands better below:

Banana: a rich fruit

The banana, recognized for its richness in potassium, B vitamins, magnesium, fiber and tryptophan, it also has antioxidant, antibacterial, antithrombotic, vasodilators, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic drugs, as said by nutritionist Jefferson Alexandre, from the Odara team, in interview with the portal


Banana technique: risks and disadvantages

However, despite the nutritional benefits of bananas, experts warn of the diet's potential risks and disadvantages. Contrary to the expectation of weight loss, overconsumption of fruit can, in fact, make weight loss difficult, due to the high amount of carbohydrates, increasing the caloric value of meals.

Individual adaptation

Jefferson Alexandre emphasizes that diets must be adapted to individual needs, taking into account each person's energy expenditure and metabolic rates.

In other words, the lack of nutritional variety in the banana diet can result in a decrease in energy over time, affecting the ability to perform daily activities.

Banana diet: contraindications

Furthermore, the guidance is clear for chronic kidney disease and diabetic patients to avoid this diet, due to the specificities of their health conditions. Excess potassium in bananas is not recommended for kidney patients, while diabetics should avoid high consumption of sugar.

Expert recommendations

In short, despite the health benefits of bananas, the banana diet is not a recommended approach without proper medical supervision. Jefferson Alexandre emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet.

In other words, complemented by other nutrients throughout the day to achieve satisfactory results in a healthy way. Therefore, the key word is balance, in addition to the need for professional guidance when embarking on any eating plan.

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