Imperative: punti di contrasto fra Tu and Law. People You and Law

When it comes out, the imperative mode has a tense (present) and it is coniugato release all the 2nd single person and the 2nd plural person, il which serves per fare chiesti, dare informazioni ecc., per if sa che c’è l’imperative indirect che si uses per dare istruzioni, consigli ecc. di way formale. / As you know, the imperative mode has only one tense (present) and is conjugated only in the 2nd person singular and the 2nd person plural, which serves to place orders, give information, etc., but it is known that there is the 'indirect imperative' - formal imperative used to give instructions, advice etc. in a formal way.

Perciò, it is very important to know and see the contrast between this due person (You and Law) in an imperative way, già che le loro differenze sono sottili. / Therefore, it is very important to know and observe the points of contrast between these two people (‘You and Law’) in the imperative mode, as their differences are tenuous.

See all the tabella la coniugazione per le persone You and Lei: / See the conjugation for the people ‘You and Lei’ in the table:

SCUSARE scusThe scusi
HOLD Gifti GiftThe
FEEL siti sitThe

È possibile osservare dalla tabella che nei verbi regolari language differenza tra loro è la vocale finale, allora si rende important know which is the coniugazione of the verb ad essere usato (1st coniugazione – ARE, 2nd coniugazione – ERE, 3rd coniugazione – IRE). / It is possible to observe, from the table, that in regular verbs the only difference between them is the final vowel, so if it is important to know the conjugation of the verb to be used (1st conjugation – ARE, 2nd conjugation – ERE, 3rd conjugation – IRE).

Però, when I gave verbi irregolari non c’è la possibilità di confusione. Keep the table! / However, when talking about irregular verbs there is no possibility of confusion. Look at the table!

FARE Fa’/Fai Facia
STAR Sta’ / Sta Stia
FLOOR Go / Go Vada

It is interesting anche osservare che la posizione dei pronomi cambia when si coniuga all’imperative. Keep the table! / It is also interesting to note that the position of the pronouns changes when conjugated in the imperative. Look at the table!

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Accomodation Accomodation I accommodated
do + me fammi my face
direct + me Dimmi My tip

Osservassioni: / Observations:

Non dobbiamo dimenticare che the negative form all’imperative alla second persona sigolare (you), the pronoun può anche that is meso prima del verb and the meaning of the phrase non cambia. Vedi gli esempi. / We must not forget that the negative form in the imperative in the second person singular (tu), the pronoun can also be placed before the verb and the meaning of the sentence does not change. See the examples.

1) Non you worry. – Not to worryyou. / Do not worry.

2) Non-mangiarthere! – Non there mangiare. / Don't eat it!

It is possible to access altri testi con l'argomento sull' imperative. Vedi gli testi: "L'imperative", "L'imperative tu e voi coi pronomi", "Indiretto imperative". / It is possible to access other texts with the subject on the imperative. See the texts: "Imperative”, “I imperative you and voi coi pronomi”, “indirect imperative”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Imperative: punti di contrasto fra Tu and Law"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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