In any language it is important to sew off and sew, ossia, sapere to accept the rifiutare quello che si offre. It is important to anche sapere come to respond ad a persona when la diamo qualcosa. Osserva gave modi da dire che ti podeno aiutare./ In any language, it is important to know how to offer and ask for things, that is, to know how to accept and reject what is offered. It's also important to know how to respond to a person when we give them something. Look at some ways to say they can help you.
- Per offrire oggetti sews / To offer objects or things.
See alcune phrase che puoi use: / Here are some phrases you can use:
Informal /Informal
formal/ Formal
Osserva come rifutare o accetare le richieste delle frasi sopra: / Note how to reject or accept requests for the above sentences:
Accetare quello che si offre/ Accept what is offered
Rifiutare quello che si offre/ reject what is offered
- When diamo qualcosa a qualcuno: come rispondere? / When we give something to someone: how to respond?
ecc./etc. Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;) |
Al di queste parole, it anchors a different way of responding ad una richiesta di qualcosa. Osserv. / Besides these words, there is yet another way to respond to a request for something. Watch.
Dare informazione sull’oggetto:/ Give information about the object? Only +informazione su dove si trova la cosa richiesta. |
Scusarsi per non sapere come informe su quello rischiesto:/Apologize for not knowing how to inform about the request. My dispiace + a spiel excuse + a spiel |
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Italian - Brazil School
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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Come offrire and chiedere sew and eat risresponde when diamo qualcosa a qualcuno"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.