Meaning: / Meaning: * “When an aggettivo stabilizes a confrontation fra due to end on the basis of a quality, the option stabilizes a confrontation fra due to quality, if there is a comparison. If the qualità is più accentuata in relazione al primo finish abbiamo un comparative di maggioranza, if less accentuata in relazione al cousin finish abbiamo comparative di minoranza, if there is stessa intensità nel cousin come nel secondo abbiamo un comparative di uguaglianza." / When an adjective establishes a comparison between two terms based on a quality or establishes a comparison between two qualities, it is called a comparative degree. If the quality is more accentuated in relation to the first term, we have a superiority comparison; if less accentuated in relation to the first term, we have a comparative of inferiority; if there is the same intensity in the first as in the second, we have an equality comparison.
* Definition taken from Dizionari Medi Garzanti con grammatica essenziale - Editrice Garzanti Linguistica.
To use the comparison of maggioranza and minoranza, it is important to know how to sleep while managing the course to follow and to introduce the second end of paragone. See! / To use the comparative of superiority and inferiority it is important to know that there are three ways or three rules to follow to introduce the second term of the comparison. Look!
When to use the proposition di (anche l'articolo)? / When to use the preposition of (also the article)?
if c’è loosento a verb oppure aggettivo per 02 sostantivi (nomi) diversi. / if there is only one verb or adjective for 02 different nouns (nouns).
if it is loose a verb oppure aggettivo per 02 pronomi differenti. / if there is only one verb or adjective for 02 different pronouns.
if it is loose a verb oppure aggettivo for 01 noun and 01 pronoun./ if there is only one verb or adjective for 01 noun and 01 pronoun.
if it is an avverb il secondo end in paragone./ if it is an adverb the second term of the comparison.
Esempi:/ Examples:
1) The Carlos Gosmes theater is expensive del Rival theater. / The Carlos Gomes theater is more expensive than the Rival theater.
2) Giulia lavora meno di Paolo. / Giulia works less than Paolo.
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3) Giulia ha più responsabilità di me. / Giulia has more responsibility than me.
4) Patrizia is less occupied di cousin. / Patrizia is less busy than before.
5) La città di Stefano is più tranquilla hers mia. / Stefano's city is quieter than mine.
when to use Che? / When to use what?
se ci sono 02 aggettivi per loosening un sostantivo (name)./ if you have 02 adjectives for only one noun (name).
if c’è loose 01 aggettivo per 02 verbi all’infinito./ se has only 01 adjective for 02 verbs in the infinitive.
if the comparison is tra 02 sostantivi (nomi) with preposizioni./ if the comparison is between 02 nouns (names) preceded by prepositions.
Esempi: / Examples:
1) Paolo is più agitato Che calm. / Paolo is more agitated than calm.
2) Rio de Janeiro makes più caldo Che to Miliano./ It is hotter in Rio de Janeiro than in Milan.
3) Passeggiare is less fun Che viagiare. / Walking is less fun than traveling.
when to use di how much? / When to use what?
always che il comparative is tra 02 verbi coniugati con soggetti uguali o differenti./ whenever the comparison is between 02 verbs with the same or different subjects.
Esempi:/ Examples:
1) The situation is less serious how much I thought? / Is the situation less serious than you thought?
2) Giulia risparmia meno how much dovrebbe./ Giulia saves less than she should.
3) she Ha lavorato più how much I imagined. / He (a) worked harder than you think.
Sign up: / Observation: If you want to compare a po’ di più sui comparative accessi anche il testo: "Comparative: uguaglianza."/ If you want to learn a little more about comparatives, also access the text: "Comparative: uguaglianza.”
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Italian - Brazil School
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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Comparativi: maggioranza and minoranza"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.