Guiding in una città o paese conosciuto

When we guide in a città or in a country, it is important to know a po’ sui segnali stradali, sapere identifyli and obviously sapere risolvere problemi che I may not succeed during il percoso fatto./ When driving in a city or in an unfamiliar country it is important to know a little about road signs. traffic, knowing how to identify them and, of course, knowing how to solve problems that may occur along the way done.

  • With us degli segnali stradali and eat sono stati divisi/ Find out about some traffic signs and how they were divided
  • Segnali di pericolo / Danger signs

(incrocio/crossover) (passaggio pedestrian / pedestrian crossing) (skip the discesa/up or down)

  • Segnali di precedenza/ Preference signs

(stop / stop) (give precedence / give preference)

  • Segnali di divieto e obbligo / Signs of prohibited and allowed

(stop/stop) (stand and park / stop and park)

(right/right) (the sinister / on the left) (routing/rotating)

  • Segnali di indicazione servizi/ Service Indication Signs

(ristorante / restaurant) (riparazione/mechanic) (resource/supply)

  • It is important to know how to sleep locally when I know in a strada. See. /It's important to know the names of some places that are very useful when you're on the road. Look

area of ​​sosta = shoulder area / autostradale rescue = roadside assistance / casello = toll / corsia = clue / parcheggio = parking

  • Osserva alcune parole che ti podeno aiutare ad avere un buon viaggio ad avere un’ottima passeggiata when passi sulla strada/ Note some words that can help you have a good trip or have a great ride when you pass a road

distributor = gas station/ benzian = gas station / dell'olio sporco filter = dirty oil filter / pomp of gasolio = gas pump / control there = observe the water level/ controllare lolio = observe the oil level / control la press della gomma = watch the tire air pressure / service station = service station

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Curiosità!/ Curiosity!

A good opizione, in Italy, the chi piace viaggia and the passeggiare in macchina, the punta and the famous Highway A1 I'll note there eat ‘L’ Autostrada del Sole’ from Milano to Napoli passing through Bologna, Firenze and Roma. Sleep is 760 km from the lunghezza, it tightens traffic in 1966. Vedi la Carta Geografica and Buon Viaggio! / A good option, in Italy, for those who like to travel or take a car, the tip is to take the famous A1 road well known there as ‘The Road of the Sun’, which runs from Milan to Naples, also passing through Bologna, Florence and Rome. It is approximately 760 km long, it was opened for traffic in 1966. See the map and Boa Viagem!

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Guidando in una città o paese sconosciuto"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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