Cohesion and coherence exercises with answer sheets (6th to 9th grade)

Indicate the sentence in which there is NO break in coherence.

a) The price of gasoline is constantly rising, which is why car sales have skyrocketed.

b) I went to the market to buy fruit, so I didn't find oranges or apples.

c) Due to the constant increase in the price of gasoline, Brazilians' preference for cars has increased.

d) Due to the constant increase in the price of gasoline, people have been using public transport more.

Answer key explained

It is consistent to say that people are using public transport more because the price of gasoline is always increasing.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) The price of gasoline is constantly rising, which is why car sales have skyrocketed.

People wouldn't buy more cars because the price of gasoline had increased, unless the price had decreased.

b) I went to the market to buy fruit, so I didn't find oranges or apples.

"Therefore" is a conclusive conjunction, which breaks the meaning of the text. The sentence would be coherent if the conjunction "but" were used, which is adversative, that is, it expresses opposition: I went to the market to buy fruit, but I didn't find oranges or apples.

c) Due to the constant increase in the price of gasoline, Brazilians' preference for cars has increased.

The sentence would be coherent if it said that the preference for another means of transport would increase, for example: Due to the constant increase in the price of gasoline, Brazilians' preference for public transport has increased.
Answer key explained

Some mechanisms can be used to help organize a text in a more pleasant way. One of these mechanisms is personal reference, as shown in the example "Ana and Maria are friends. They do everything together." In the second sentence, the names Ana and Maria were replaced by the personal pronoun Eles, leaving the text lighter, without repetitions.

The other alternatives contain coherence factors, which offer meaning relationships to the text.

b) inference: knowledge shared between the interlocutors, for example: When you invite them to dinner, don't forget that they are Indian. (meaning that people assume that if the guests are Indian, they don't eat beef)

c) contextualization: context in which the message is inserted, for example: I need that by the end of the week. (the message only makes sense to those who know what "that" is)

d) world knowledge: knowledge that we acquire throughout our lives and that are archived in our memory, for example: Turkey, Panettone, fruits and nuts. Everything ready for Carnival! (we know that this sentence is incoherent, because “turkey, panettone, fruits and nuts” are elements that belong to the Christmas celebration and not to the Carnival celebration)

Answer key explained

If the ideas are related, they promote the construction of a coherent message. To understand better, let's look at an example of a message that does not meet the principle of relevance: The plane took off successfully. The bus driver was late.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) contradiction - contradictory ideas are not coherent;

b) redundancy - redundant ideas are not coherent;

c) conjunction - is a mechanism used to promote textual cohesion, because it establishes the relationship between the elements of the message.

Select the phrase whose connector indicates concession.

Answer key explained

The conjunction "although" is concessive, because it expresses a contrary fact, that is, despite it being raining, he went out.

As for the remaining alternatives:

The) If If it rains, I'll stay at home. - indicates condition

b) I will leave consonant the state of the weather. - indicates compliance

c) Doesn't want to leave nor stay at home. - indicates addition

Possible answers:

a) I have a book of Drummond’s poems. Drummond is one of the greatest Brazilian poets.
I have a book of Drummond's poems. He is one of the greatest Brazilian poets.
I have a book of poems by Drummond, who is one of the greatest Brazilian poets.

b) João bought a hot dog. Now, Ana wants a hot dog too.
João bought a hot dog. Now, Ana wants it too.

c) The neighbor's daughter already knows how to write. The neighbor's daughter is happy because she can now make her shopping list.
The neighbor's daughter already knows how to write. The girl is happy because she can now make the shopping list.

d) I tried to speak. Nobody wanted to listen.
I tried to speak, but no one wanted to listen.

Indicate the alternative in which the text is coherent, but has no cohesion.


A: The phone! B: I'm in the shower! C: Okay.

b) The truth was that I didn't care about recovering Zeus's lightning, saving the world or even helping my father out of trouble. (excerpt from Percy Jackson and the Olympians)

c) She is a vegetarian, so she wants her steak well-done.

d) Ana slept in a hut. The cabin was made of wood. Wood is expensive, just as executive jets are expensive.

Answer key explained

A: The phone!

B: I'm in the shower! C: Okay.

It is possible to see that we are facing a dialogue. Despite not containing cohesive elements, the text has a sequence and is coherent.

As for the remaining alternatives:

b) The truth was that I didn't care about recovering Zeus's lightning, saving the world or even helping my father out of trouble. (excerpt from Percy Jackson and the Olympians) - text is coherent and cohesive

c) She is a vegetarian, so she wants her steak well-done. - text is cohesive but incoherent

Despite containing cohesive elements (conjunction therefore), the message of the text is incoherent, because if she is vegetarian, she does not eat meat, that is, not a steak.

d) Ana slept in a hut. The cabin was made of wood. Wood is expensive, just as executive jets are expensive. - text is cohesive, but incoherent, because it does not meet the principle of relevance.

Select the alternative that contains the correct sequence of periods that must appear in order to construct a cohesive and coherent text.

I. Ultimately, all of these characteristics contribute to each person’s identity.

Answer key explained

II. Stop for a moment to observe a busy street. You will notice the diversity of people around us.

IV. If people differ so much physically, like the type of clothes they wear, imagine how much diversity there is in each person's tastes and personalities.

III. There are calm people, agitated people, just as there are people who like pop and others who like rock.

I. Ultimately, all of these characteristics contribute to each person’s identity.

The text is cohesive and coherent, because it conveys a logical and harmonious message. First, he asks people to look around them and finds that people have many different physical characteristics. In this way, it makes a comparison, which is the fact that there are many different physical characteristics and many different personalities as well. Finally, he concludes that all differences, whether physical or psychological, contribute to each person's identity.

The) According to If it doesn't rain, I'll go to the beach.

b) I'm going to the beach, once it's raining.

c) We were not champions, therefore we played the best game.

d) Case If there are no changes, our young people will have few opportunities.

Answer key explained

The message is coherent, because the conjunction "case" expresses a condition.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) As long as it doesn't rain, I'll go to the beach.

"According" is a conformative conjunction. It would be correct if a conditional conjunction were used instead, for example: If it doesn't rain, I'll go to the beach.

b) I'm going to the beach as soon as it's raining.

"As soon as" is a temporal conjunction. It would be correct if a concessive conjunction were used instead, for example: I'm going to the beach, even though it's raining.

c) We weren't champions, so we played the best game.

"Therefore" is a conclusive conjunction. It would be correct if an adversative conjunction were used instead, for example: We were not champions, but we played the best game.

FERNANDES, Márcia. Cohesion and coherence exercises with answer sheets (6th to 9th grade).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:

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