Gaucho government invests in PPP to recover schools in vulnerable areas

Transform the social reality of children, young people and adults in the most vulnerable areas of Rio Grande do Sul. With this objective in mind, the government of Rio Grande do Sul signed, this Wednesday (23), a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract to qualify the school infrastructure, which includes reforms, adaptations and structural requalification in schools in 15 municipalities in the state.

When participating in the ceremony that marked the announcement of the project, Governor Eduardo Leite highlighted that education 'is at the center of the government's strategy'. “Any project that works to improve school structures and qualify education has priority,” he said, adding that the PPP project constitutes “a new front of action”, in parallel with initiatives such as the ‘Homework’ program, which provides for a contribution of more than R$ 100 million, aimed at works in schools.

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The expectation of the government of Rio Grande do Sul is that the partnership with the private initiative will bring benefits to 60,568 students from 100 schools in the localities of Alvorada, Bento Gonçalves, Cachoeirinha, Canoas, Caxias do Sul, Cruz Alta, Gravataí, Novo Hamburgo, Pelotas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande, Santa Maria, São Leopoldo, Sapucaia do Sul and Viamão, which are part of the RS Seguro program and were selected based on the identification of areas with greater vulnerability Social.

About the selection, Leite explained that the predominant criterion was in the sense of 'attracting and keeping young people in school, in order to keep them away from crime. “Especially in these locations, the school ends up having to compete for the young people's attention with bad things that attract their attention. And it is, therefore, where the school has to be more attractive and interesting, so that it can be a reference for the community. And it's not enough just to deliver a beautiful school, it needs to be kept in that condition. This is where partnering with the private sector will help the most,” she argued.

According to the PPP schedule, the value of the venture's investment should only be known in the second phase of the project, when the respective technical visits will have been carried out and the specific diagnosis of the structure of each school.

Another issue conditioned to the studies of the structuring phase concerns the definition of the term of action of the private partner in the 100 teaching institutions. In similar PPPs, such as the one adopted in Belo Horizonte, the concession term reached 20 years.

By emphasizing the positive effects of the initiative, the Secretary of Education, Raquel Teixeira, emphasized that “this experience will enable us to achieve better learning outcomes, freeing school directors so that they can focus on activities related to Education".

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