HOUSE DONATION: Government of Goiás launches new housing program in 5 municipalities

Since last Monday, the 14th, the government of Goiás, in collaboration with the Goiás Housing Agency (Agehab) and the State Secretariat for Infrastructure (Seinfra), began the sign up for free homes in five new municipalities. The locations contemplated are Palmeiras de Goiás, Chapadão do Céu, Palmelo, Campo Limpo and São Miguel do Passa Quatro.

This program offers citizens the opportunity to compete for housing completely free of charge and without embarrassment. The objective is to promote access to housing dignified and of good quality.

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The registrations represent a significant step in the search for housing solutions for the population of these municipalities, providing a perspective of improvements in their housing conditions.

Do you live in any of the aforementioned cities in Goiás? So keep reading and find out how to apply!

Government of Goiás distributes houses

The housing program, which is fully managed by the Government of Goiás, is aimed at families with an income of up to one minimum wage.

These families must be registered in the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) and cannot yet have benefited from any previous housing program. An additional requirement requires applicants to live in the application's target municipality for at least three years.

Under the leadership of Alexandre Baldy, president of Agehab, the primary approach is to assist the most needy population within these communities.

(Image: publicity)

Applications can be made until August 28th, using Agehab's website as a platform. On the page, public notices are also available with the guidelines and criteria for the selection process of beneficiaries.

This is an opportunity for those interested in securing a house at no cost in one of the five municipalities covered.

Information on the application procedure and the list of required documents can be found at the aforementioned Agehab link.

The application process for housing covers a total of:

  • 50 units in Palmeiras de Goiás;

  • 30, in Chapadão do Céu;

  • 30, in Palmelo;

  • 31, in Campo Limpo;

  • 50, in São Miguel do Passa Quatro.

To the families Interested parties have the option of controlling their registrations online or visiting the available assistance points. by City Halls, which collaborate in partnership with the government of Goiás in this initiative, as part of the program “Pra Ter Onde To live".

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