Retroactive installments of Emergency Aid still for the month of August

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A group of Emergency Aid beneficiaries may still be entitled to receive up to R$ 3,000. Citizens who meet all current requirements will be entitled to up to five payments retroactive which will be made by Caixa Econômica Federal this August. Follow along to learn more about the temporary return of Emergency Aid.

Read more: Find out how to consult Emergency Aid on the Dataprev Portal

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During the pandemic, the Federal Government looked at various ways to provide some financial assistance to the population. That is why at the time a benefit was created called Emergency Aid.

Who was entitled to the double benefit?

In addition to all the requirements that the aid in question already proposed, the Commission on Women's Rights approved the Bill (PL) 2099/20 that instituted a permanent assistance program for women who take care of single-parent families, providing them with R$ 1,200 per month, that is, double the value of the benefit.

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At the time of payment, the government team realized that the transfers had been made unfairly, therefore is now working to remedy this situation with a new retroactive value, that is, installments extras.

Withdrawal of Emergency Aid and retroactive payment

The National Congress approved PLN 43/2021 in December, allowing retroactive payments to be made to the group of single parents who are responsible for single parent centers. This extra quota will help 459 million heads of households.

The government is now releasing five installments of the retroactive payment of assistance to these parents. It is important to remember that this is only happening now, as they have not been able to receive any double the amount during the program as the women received, although everyone was in the same situation.

The emergency benefit ended in October 2021

It is essential to convey the information that this benefit was extinguished in October last year, but that supported millions of people who were in a situation of extreme vulnerability throughout the country.

In addition, in the case of retroactive transfer, it is worth remembering that the president of the republic rejected a proposal that sought to pay men – in this situation – the same amount. However, the National Congress managed to reverse this decision in 2021, so it was possible to make payment possible.

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