Makeup secrets: INFALLIBLE tips to adjust the tone of your foundation

Wrong choice of tone makeup it's something virtually every woman has faced at some point. Who has never bought a foundation a little darker or lighter than their own skin tone?

The good news is that you don't have to worry about throwing the product away. There are simple tricks that can help correct the hue and ensure a flawless look.

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First of all, it is always advisable to test different shades of foundation in cosmetic stores to find the ideal one for your skin.

But if you made the mistake and acquired the wrong foundation, then you don't need to panic. Here you go effective tips to lighten or darken makeup and get the desired tone. See below!

lightening the makeup

(Image: Thinkstock/Reproduction)

Moisturizing cream

Mix a little foundation with your favorite moisturizer until you get a smooth consistency. Apply as usual for a smoother effect.

Maize starch

If your makeup is powder, add a little natural cornstarch until you achieve the desired shade. This will also help control excess oil.

lighter makeup

Purchase a lighter foundation to mix with your current foundation. If the liquid foundation is darker, use a lighter powder and vice versa.

Liquid Paper

Add a drop of your concealer to foundation to reduce tone. This will help you achieve the ideal shade for your skin.

darkening the makeup

(Image: Getty Images/Reproduction)

cream and creamy eyeshadow

Mix one portion of base with two tablespoons of cream for the hands and half a teaspoon of creamy eyeshadow. Add two pinches of compact powder to achieve the desired tone.

Dark tone foundations

Add two drops of a darker foundation, also known as a leveler, to your existing foundation. This will give the makeup a darker touch.

white bases

If you want to lighten your makeup, purchase white foundations specifically for that purpose and mix as needed.

Remember that practicing these tricks can help customize your makeup color, but it's important to do it carefully to get the desired result. Test products on a small area before applying to entire face.

Even if you are faced with the dilemma of having chosen the wrong shade of makeup, with these tricks, you will be prepared to create the perfect look, regardless of your foundation shade.

And remember, makeup is a form of self-expression, so have fun experimenting and finding the perfect shade to enhance your only.

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