Fever rarely comes unaccompanied, it commonly brings symptoms such as headache or body pain, malaise, nausea and even sleep. Fever is actually the result of an immune response from the organism, an alert to identify something that is not well and is directly connected with the brain. But, will the fever can it cause negative dreams and hallucinations?
Read more: 4 Things NOT to Do When You Have a Fever
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Find out now why nightmares occur during a feverish scenario
Dreams in general don't scare us. When we lie down to sleep and enter a deep sleep, dream season begins. Researchers do not know for sure the factors that originate the dream, but daily activities, food and health influence the visions we have while we sleep.
Scientists study and believe that the most vivid dreams occur during REM sleep - rapid eye movement, in Portuguese, rapid eye movements, is justified due to the agile action of the thalamus and brain activity agitated.
Feverish people, when they wake up because of the malaise, do not feel well, remain with a feeling of tiredness, are irritated or depressed, and this reflects during sleep. Fever can reach higher temperatures during REM sleep, causing greater activity that manifests itself in dreams, making them vivid and frightening.
The so-called “febrile dreams” occur when there is a rise in temperature, going beyond normality, altering sleep patterns. The person affected by a high fever enters a state of “semi-sleep”, where he transits between “being asleep” and “being awake”.
This generates distressing, disturbing and sometimes even delusional dreams between reality and fantasy. This is all done because high temperatures disrupt the cognitive processes of the brain, since during the REM sleep stage, your body has a harder time controlling the internal temperature of the body.
Can you avoid fever dreams?
There is no step-by-step guide on how to get rid of fever dreams, however, controlling your body temperature can help with this process. So, if you have a fever it is important to:
- Go to the doctor;
- Rest;
- Eat well;
- Drink plenty of water.