Contrast tra i discorsi: direct and indirect. Contrast between speeches: direct and indirect

Meaning: / Meanings:

 Indirect speech: / Indirect speech:* "Discourse in quale le parole dette da altri sono riportate indirectly in narrative form." / Discourse in which words spoken by others are indirectly reproduced in narrative form.
 Direct speech: / Direct speech:* "I disagree directly with the parole dette da qualcuno così come sono state dette." / Speech that directly reproduces the words spoken by anyone as they were said.

*Definition taken from the Italian Dizionario Garzanti. Garzanti Editrice.

When there is a change in the course of the direct discussion, it is necessary to observe the change in the case if it is not important in this process. See! / When talking about the transformation from direct to indirect discourse, some important changes in this process should be noted. Look!

Si cambian le persone; / People change;
 Si cambian i pronomi; / The pronouns are exchanged;
 Si cambiano i pronomi dismostrativi e possessivi; / The demonstrative and possessive pronouns are exchanged;

 Si cambiano gli avverbi di tempo e luogo; / The adverbs of time and place are exchanged;
 Si cambiano i tempi and modi del verb. / The tenses and modes of the verb are exchanged.

At the moment, meet us attraverso gli esempi, almeno tre cambi dal discorso diretto all’indiretto: delle persone, I gave pronomi and I gave pronomi dimostrativi and possessivi. Good letter! / At the moment, you will know, through examples, at least three changes from direct to indirect speech: of persons, of pronouns, and of demonstrative and possessive pronouns. Good reading!

 Persone: / People: Il discorso indirect uses solo the 3rd persona singolare or plurale. / Indirect speech uses only the 3rd person singular or plural.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Giulia tells Paolo: «Io and Gianlucca andiamo al cinema.» (diretto discord) / Giulia says to Paolo:
- Me and Gianlucca are going to the movies. (direct speech)

2) Giulia dice che law and Giuanlucca vanno al cinema. (indiretto discord) / Giulia says she and Giuanlucca are going to the movies.

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3) Giulia says to Paolo: «No I we walked to the cinema." (diretto discord) / Giulia says to Paolo:
- We are going to the cinema. (direct speech)

4) Giulia dice che blond vanno al cinema. (indiretto discord) / Giulia says they go to the movies.

 Pronoun: / Pronouns: Il discorso indiretto uses loosening pronomi alla 3rd persona singolare o plurare. / Indirect speech uses only 3rd person singular or plural pronouns.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Giulia chiede Mario: «Mi presti il ​​tuo ombrello?» (diretto disagreement) / Giulia asks Mario:
- Can you lend me your umbrella? (direct speech)

2) Giulia chiede Mario if read Presta il suo ombrello. (indiretto discord) / Giulia asks Mario if he can lend her the umbrella. (indirect speech)

3) Giuanlucca and Paolo chiedono: «Ci accompagnano alla festa?” (diretto discord) / Gianlucca and Paolo ask:
- Will they accompany us to the party? (direct speech)

4) Gianlucca and Paolo chiedono se read alla party accompagnano. (diretto discord)/ Gianlucca and Paolo ask if they'll accompany them to the party. (direct speech)

 Demonstrative Pronoun / Demonstrative Pronoun:

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Giulia tells Paolo: «question It's our house.” (diretto discord) / Giulia says to Paolo:
- This is our house. (direct speech)

2) Giulia tells Paolo che quella è la loro casa. (indiretto discord) / Giulia tells Paolo that this is their house. (indirect speech)

 Possessive pronouns: / Possessive pronouns: Nel discorso indirect i pronomi possessivi sono alla 3ª persona singolare o plurale / In indirect speech the possessive pronouns are in the 3rd person singular or plural.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Paolo says to Maria: «Mi piacei have you pantaloni." (diretto discord) / Paolo says to Maria:
-I like her pants. (direct speech)

2) Paolo tell Maria che le piace i sweat pantaloni. (indiretto discord) / Paolo tells Maria he likes her pants. (indirect speech)

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Contrast tra i discorsi: direct and indirect"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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