Meaning: / Meaning: * "Ipothetical period, syntactic structure formata of the due phrase di cui una, detta protasi (the anche condizionale), espress la necessary condizione affinché si avveri l'evento espresso nell'altra, detta apodosi (eg Se io fossi ricco, smetteri di lavorare.)." / Hypothetical period, syntactic structure formed by two sentences, one of which, called a conditional sentence, expresses the necessary condition for one event becomes real in the other, and the other said main period that expresses the consequence (for example: If I were rich, I would stop work.).
*Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.
The hypothetical period is divided into groups. Il cousin - ipotetico della realtà preriodo, il secondo – hypothetical period of it possibility and third - ipotetico dell'impossibilità period. Ognuno di loro has a different meaning than scoprirai al leggere il testo. Good letter! / The hypothetical period is divided into three groups. The first – hypothetical period of reality, the second – hypothetical period of possibility and the third – hypothetical period of impossibility. Each of them has a different meaning that you will discover as you read the text. Good reading!
Periodo ipotetico della realtà / Hypothetical period of reality
The sense dell'ipotesi is felt by the speaker as a prossima situation all the realtà; i verbi alla sono phrase al mode indicative. vedi gli esempi. / The sense of the hypothesis is felt by the speaker as a situation close to reality; the verbs in the sentence are in indicative mode. See the examples.
1) If long il pane, you help with the math. / If you buy bread, I help you with the math.
2) If gift to Mario i pantaloni, lo will do content. / If you give Mario a pair of pants, it will make him happy.
Ipothetic period della possibilità / Hypothetical period of possibility
The sense of the dell'ipotesi is felt by the speaker as a thing possible or a thing realizzabile; i verbi alla phrase sono al congiuntivo (imperfetto tense) + condizionale (present tense). Vedi gli esempi. / The sense of the hypothesis is felt by the speaker as a possible thing or an achievable thing; the verbs of the sentence are in the subjunctive (imperfect tense) + future tense. See the examples.
1) If you invissi l'e-mail Maria, sono sicura che ciò la fabbe happy. / If you sent the email to Maria, I'm sure it would make her happy.
2) If Gianlucca venissi oggi, saremmo più conteti. / If Gianlucca came today, we would be happier.
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Periodo ipotetico dell'impossibilità / Hypothetical period of impossibility
È un’ipotesi completely unreal che non si può mai essere realizzata and nemmeno essere realizzabile. The selezione I gave verbi all the phrase dipende dall’attimo in cui attainnza and condizione si mettono. Osserv. / It is a completely unreal hypothesis that can never be realized or even be feasible. The selection of verbs in the sentence depends on the moment in which consequence and condition are placed. Watch.
- If la condizione is all’attimo present = verbi al congiuntivo imperfectto + condizionale present o passato. vedi gli esempi./ If the condition is in the present moment = verbs in the imperfect subjunctive + future simple or compound past tense. See the examples.
1) If i fossi Steven Spilberg, non avrei bisogno di fare altri studi sul cinema. / If I were Steven Spilberg, I wouldn't need to do further film studies.
2) If i fossi Steven Spilberg, avrei with us tutte le grand dive al mondo del cinema. / If I were Steven Spilberg, I would have met all the great divas in the movie world.
- If la condizione is all’attimo passato = verbi al congiutivo trapassato + present condizionale the passato. Vedi gli esempi. / If the condition is in the past tense = verbs in the compound past more-than-perfect subjunctive + future tense of the present or compound past tense. See the examples.
1) If you oppositely uncontracted Giulia, avresti a farm. / If you had found Giulia, you would have had a job.
2) If you oppositely uncontracted Giulia, avresti trovato a farm. / If you had found Giulia, you would have found a job.
- All the indicative part of achieving if you can use the imperative time. vedi gli esempi. / In the indicative part of the consequence, the imperative tense can be used. See the examples.
1) If trovi i Giulia, salutamela! / If you find Giulia, salute her for me.
2) If trovi i pantaloni che ti piaccino, I bought it! / If you find the pants you like, buy them!
Register: / Note: If you want to capire a po’ di più south hypothetical period it is possible to access the testo “Ipothetical Period ”. / If you want to understand a little more about the hypothetical period, you can access the text “Periodo Ipotetico”. |
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Italian - Brazil School
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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Periodo Ipotetico della realtà, della possibilità and dell'impossibilità"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.