It is common knowledge how thesummer in Brazil it can be very hot, especially when it comes to Rio de Janeiro, where the thermal sensation can exceed 40°C. With that in mind, the city of Rio de Janeiro anticipated the validity of the new regulation on subsidies paid to bus consortiums public transport, which are currently calculated based on the number of kilometers traveled by vehicles.
With the new decree, if a vehicle is caught circulating without air conditioning or with it presenting faults, the subsidy for the day will be cut off completely, regardless of how many kilometers you have traveled.
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“I want to remind the concessionaires of the bus system that those vehicles that have air conditioning equipment disconnected will not receive the readjusted subsidy to be paid by the city hall”, highlighted Mayor Eduardo Paes, in a post on the networks social.
In addition, if any bus line is running with less than 80% of the established fleet, the aid will be reduced by the city hall. However, another penalty was included in the decree: in addition to having the subsidy reduced, there will be a fine.
Therefore, vehicles will receive fines of R$ 563.28 if they are traveling between 40% and 60% of the stipulated distance. If they are traveling with less than 40% of the total stipulated mileage, the fine is BRL 1,265.55.
Rio Bus had promised air conditioning and Wi-Fi by 2020
The Union of Bus Companies of the City of Rio de Janeiro (Rio Ônibus), in accordance with a Conduct Adjustment Term (TAC) signed in 2018, is committed to renovating the entire fleet of buses by 2020, installing air conditioning, USB ports in all seats and a Wi-Fi signal, so that passengers service users could charge their cell phones and access the internet during transport, as stated in the Official Gazette of the Municipality on August 6 from 2018.
Finally, Rio Ônibus says in a note that “since the signing of the agreement, in May 2022, the consortia are committed to complying with all City Hall demands, prioritizing the resumption of 66 lines and expansion of the fleet by more than 300 buses already in operation”.
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