Argentina's economic aspects

Argentina is a country in South America with approximately 40 million inhabitants. It presents one of the best social indicators in Latin America. It is the second largest economy in South America, surpassed only by the Brazilian economy. The country is one of the most important in MERCOSUR, comprising*: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.
The Argentine productive sector is mainly composed of activities related to agricultural and livestock production. In the latter, the country is among the largest producers in the world. Argentina is a major producer of beef and by-products, and wool.
In agriculture, the country stands out in the production of several cereals and oils, with greater evidence for wheat, the main product.
The country has a high fishing potential, which is not fully exploited, however, this sector stands out in the production of hake and squid.
The mineral potential is still not being effectively explored, considering that there are in the Argentine subsoil important deposits of oil, coal, natural gas and various metals.

Another activity linked to agriculture that has been growing significantly is the production of wine. Currently, the country ranks fifth in world production of this product. The factors that favored the activity are: type of climate (subtropical – temperate), type of soil and huge domestic consumer market.
The Argentine industrial park is mostly concentrated in the metropolitan region of Buenos Aires. In this sector of the economy, the biggest highlight is the packaging and food products industry, in addition to the manufacture of fabrics and automobiles. With the implementation of MERCOSUR, as of 1991, the country registered a great growth in its economy, even with crises, like the one that happened in the beginning of the 2000s.

*Venezuela was accepted as an effective member of Mercosur in 2012 and suspended from the bloc for an indefinite period in December 2016.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

countries - geography - Brazil School

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