Social and cultural aspects of South Africa

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South Africa has a population of approximately 43 million inhabitants. This population has a high birth rate and a low life expectancy, around 52 years. The HDI (Human Development Index) is average, 0.670.
Currently, one of the great problems faced by the population and authorities is crime. According to the United Nations, the country is the first in murder with firearms. Insecurity has given rise to gated communities in South Africa's cities.
Another big problem is the advance of AIDS in the country, there are about 5 million infected. The disease has decimated a large number of people, for this reason there are approximately 1.2 million orphans. According to estimates, in 2025 the number of inhabitants in the country will decrease, as a result of the AIDS epidemic that is plaguing the nation.
In terms of culture, the country does not have a unique configuration, because there is a huge ethnic diversity. For this reason, there is a distinction throughout the country regarding eating habits, music, dance, among others.

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The country's population is made up of diverse ethnic groups, so that 70% are autochthonous (20.5% Zulus, 18% Chosas, 9% Pedis, 7% Sotos, 6% Tsuanas, Tsongas 3.5%, Swazis 2%, Nedebeles 2% and sales 2%), European 12% (Dutch, German, French and English), Euro-African 13%, Indian 3% and others 2%.
Given the cultural diversity, there are several languages ​​considered official, the main ones are: Afrikaans, English, Sepédi, Sessoto, Setswana, among others. As for religious practice, 66.4% of the population follows Christianity (Catholic reformers, Methodists, Anglicans, Lutherans), 1.3% Hinduism, 1.1% Islam, 0.2% no affiliation and 29.8% others religions.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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